Names Cassandra, nice to be aquainted;

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I am 20 years old. I am currently going to University of Cincinnati to major in English. I have been an avid reader since I began reading at a very young age. I have decided to take up reviewing as a hobby and to never sell out! My biggest dream as of right now would be to become a very well-known published author. Keeping my fingers crossed. Do not be afraid to email me @ if you have any questions or if you would like for me to review your book! :D

Saturday, July 23, 2011

What Cassandra Is Looking Forward To

RELEASE DATE: Aug 1, 2011 Synopsis:
The Glassheart Chronicles is a collection of short stories from a talented cast of Young Adult Paranormal Romance authors.

Each contributing author spins a captivating short story involving a character from one of their already existing novels, providing an extra glimpse into that character's world.

Fans of these authors and their books will eat these stories up and breathlessly ask for more

This is the one book I am looking forward to. One reason is because I love these short stories and you get to see new authors that you might not have heard of! You get see their writing style and if you like thier short you get to check out thier books! Its an awesome compromise if you ask me!

Any who, the one story in this is the one I am most thrilled to read. Nicole Williams, the author of Eternal Eden and Fallen Eden wrote a very special short in this collection. On Nicole Williams blog ( she wrote a very special surprise for us! Check it out!

"Since I know everyone's been holding their breath (oh wait, that was just me!), I'll alliviate everyone's discomfort and satiate your curiosity by making the big mystery character reveal right now . . .

It is none other than our Bryn-worshipping, surfing Immortal god, William Hayward.

The story will be a side-story to a certain scene in Eternal Eden told from William's point of view. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It was a new, difficult, and sometimes agonizing challenge writing a short story from a different character's POV, but as I've found with most every good thing in my life, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it.

Any guesses as to which scene is told from William's point of view? "

I was super excited that I had a million guesses!!! Of course, this doesn't mean anything if you haven't read her series! Check those out as well!!!! Here are the Covers!

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