Names Cassandra, nice to be aquainted;

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I am 20 years old. I am currently going to University of Cincinnati to major in English. I have been an avid reader since I began reading at a very young age. I have decided to take up reviewing as a hobby and to never sell out! My biggest dream as of right now would be to become a very well-known published author. Keeping my fingers crossed. Do not be afraid to email me @ if you have any questions or if you would like for me to review your book! :D

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Author Interview: Shawn Maravel

Author Bio: Shawn Maravel (and no, it is not short for Shawna. Just Shawn) is a avid reader, writer, and a Army Wife. Shawn is a twin sister, and born bred Jersey Girl. She is currently living in Germany with her husband where he is stationed. She loves classic rock and is influenced by nothing far more greater than love. She is the author of the hit YA series, Volition, and Severance, and like everyone else is anticipating her new upcoming novel, The Wanderer.

Links to buy the YA series:



Q#1: Have you always had knack for writing? What had inspired you to publish your books?
Yes, I’ve always enjoyed writing. My twin sister and I both enjoyed writing stories but I guess, given the opportunity of not having a job and being in Germany I’ve really been able to explore the passion further, while she who also has a few stories up her sleeve, hasn’t been able to focus as much on it. The choice to publish a book once it’s finished is a tough one because you’re deciding to put yourself out there to be criticized and judged. As a young author I am very well aware that I have a lot to learn and my skills are still only just being developed. But in the end I chose to publish the books as a way of bringing the journey of writing the books to a close. I am really good at giving up at the hard part of things so this was a big step for me. And I’m really glad that I did it!

Q#2: What made you choose the genre of angels, instead the widely popular genre of vampires, werewolves, fey, etc.?
I liked the Twilight Saga a lot, in fact, reading those books really got me into reading in general and it could even be said that without reading them I may not have started writing seriously myself. I also enjoy the House of Night series…but I don’t like to copy cat or to play off of pre-existing stories. I already know very well that I can’t compete with something that great. I also feel that vampires and werewolves are a bit too popular right now…and for all the wrong reasons. Money. One great author happened to write a book about them and gets really big, and now everyone’s doing it. I don’t want to be grouped up in that bunch…I want to stand or fall on my own two feet. My third book, The Wanderer is literary fiction and not paranormal at all. It’s actually about a former Army soldier, so I don’t plan to pick one genre and stick with it. I like to write what I wish to read. Angels for me personally, as far as the Volition Series goes, are far more tantalizing. The romantic connection is just unmatched.

Q#3: What are some obstacles you faced during your writing processes? Is writer's block really that bad as other authors portray?
I was going to school when I started to write Volition. That was a bit tough. Especially my math class. But my husband was deployed to Iraq for a year and I was in Germany without my family…so, for a writer I was pretty set! I had a lot of time and a pretty clear schedule to work with and emotionally I really didn’t have issues. Some authors don’t believe in writer’s block. I do. It’s one thing if you just write to write. I believe in letting a story flow however…essentially, let the story tell itself. And at times…I fall upon lulls. At around 100 pages I hit a wall. And it’s scary. I start to worry that maybe I can’t finish it. But in some cases it’s a lot easier. The Wanderer for example only took two months to write. Volition took almost a whole year to complete and Severance was finished in maybe six month’s time. It varies. My biggest obstacle however is focus and avoiding procrastination!

Q#4: Some advice to inspiring authors such as myself?
Pay attention when you read. Focus on the elements of a story that pull you in…take note of the things that push you away. And keep those things in mind while writing. Getting represented is very very very hard for new authors, so don’t feel TOO bad if you come out empty-handed. Self-publishing, while a great alternative, takes a lot of time and effort and no one’s going to do it for you, so stay focused, stay positive, and keep your head up! You can’t push yourself on people but your book isn’t going to sell itself either. So work on a friendly and easy flow of marketing your books without being too pushy. And most importantly…believe in yourself.

Q#5: Your characters are so raw and real! Which character do you see more of yourself in?
I guess Charlotte, but really not too much. I’m a lot less kept together in stressful situations than she is. I often say that Charlotte is a combination of who I am and who I wish I was. But I did put a lot of myself into the book to create an emotional connection; it’s just hidden throughout the book and characters.

Q#6: What is one thing about you that is unique and stands out from the rest?
One thing about me as a writer is that I don’t want to be predictable. Other than writing love stories I don’t want readers to feel like my books are all the same. Some will be literary fiction, others YA. Some will be in first person, some in third person. Some stories will be in a male perspective, some in female, and maybe even alternating between the two at times. I hate to feel as if an author isn’t challenging me as a reader. So I hope for my readers to pick up my books and expect a good story but other than that to be ready for a pleasantly different story from the others that I’ve written.

As a person, I don’t drink. At all. Though my twin sister doesn’t either…for the most part, I think we’re it. Haha. The most I’ve ever had is a glass of wine after turning 21 a few years ago. It’s just not for me. Peer pressure, the social side of drinking, and the feeling it seems everyone craves all bug me. It’s something I feel I’ll likely never understand. I’d rather just be me…in the flash, how I am, take it or leave it.

BONUS QUESTION!: Tell us a bit about your new upcoming novel, The Wanderer, and what inspired you to write this novel?
I am Sooooo excited about The Wanderer. It’s about a man, Landon Bradley, who got out of the Army and, not being accustomed to staying in one place for too long, packs up his motorcycle and heads north-west. The story touches upon serious issues like PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) which is very common in military personnel who have seen battle. But at the same time it is a love story through and through. The characters are likable, fun, and strong…but they have weakness like everyone else. I actually wanted to write this story because I love a man in uniform. Army specifically. Put him on a motorcycle and forget about it! Of course I couldn’t just have a hot soldier riding around on a motorcycle the whole time, so I create a story from that and I must say…this book has taken on a whole new appeal, and a special place in my heart.

Thanks Again,
"Greatness lives on the edge of destruction" -- Will Smith

Thank you, Shawn, for this amazing expierence!

Be sure to go to Shawn Maravel's author page! I basically live on her blog! :)

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