Author Bio: Shawn Maravel (and no, it is not short for Shawna. Just Shawn) is a avid reader, writer, and a Army Wife. Shawn is a twin sister, and born bred Jersey Girl. She is currently living in Germany with her husband where he is stationed. She loves classic rock and is influenced by nothing far more greater than love. She is the author of the hit YA series, Volition, and Severance, and like everyone else is anticipating her new upcoming novel, The Wanderer.
Links to buy the YA series:
Q#1: Have you always had knack for writing? What had inspired you to publish your books?
Yes, I’ve always enjoyed writing. My twin sister and I both enjoyed writing stories but I guess, given the opportunity of not having a job and being in Germany I’ve really been able to explore the passion further, while she who also has a few stories up her sleeve, hasn’t been able to focus as much on it. The choice to publish a book once it’s finished is a tough one because you’re deciding to put yourself out there to be criticized and judged. As a young author I am very well aware that I have a lot to learn and my skills are still only just being developed. But in the end I chose to publish the books as a way of bringing the journey of writing the books to a close. I am really good at giving up at the hard part of things so this was a big step for me. And I’m really glad that I did it!
Q#2: What made you choose the genre of angels, instead the widely popular genre of vampires, werewolves, fey, etc.?
I liked the Twilight Saga a lot, in fact, reading those books really got me into reading in general and it could even be said that without reading them I may not have started writing seriously myself. I also enjoy the House of Night series…but I don’t like to copy cat or to play off of pre-existing stories. I already know very well that I can’t compete with something that great. I also feel that vampires and werewolves are a bit too popular right now…and for all the wrong reasons. Money. One great author happened to write a book about them and gets really big, and now everyone’s doing it. I don’t want to be grouped up in that bunch…I want to stand or fall on my own two feet. My third book, The Wanderer is literary fiction and not paranormal at all. It’s actually about a former Army soldier, so I don’t plan to pick one genre and stick with it. I like to write what I wish to read. Angels for me personally, as far as the Volition Series goes, are far more tantalizing. The romantic connection is just unmatched.
Q#3: What are some obstacles you faced during your writing processes? Is writer's block really that bad as other authors portray?
I was going to school when I started to write Volition. That was a bit tough. Especially my math class. But my husband was deployed to Iraq for a year and I was in Germany without my family…so, for a writer I was pretty set! I had a lot of time and a pretty clear schedule to work with and emotionally I really didn’t have issues. Some authors don’t believe in writer’s block. I do. It’s one thing if you just write to write. I believe in letting a story flow however…essentially, let the story tell itself. And at times…I fall upon lulls. At around 100 pages I hit a wall. And it’s scary. I start to worry that maybe I can’t finish it. But in some cases it’s a lot easier. The Wanderer for example only took two months to write. Volition took almost a whole year to complete and Severance was finished in maybe six month’s time. It varies. My biggest obstacle however is focus and avoiding procrastination!
Q#4: Some advice to inspiring authors such as myself?
Pay attention when you read. Focus on the elements of a story that pull you in…take note of the things that push you away. And keep those things in mind while writing. Getting represented is very very very hard for new authors, so don’t feel TOO bad if you come out empty-handed. Self-publishing, while a great alternative, takes a lot of time and effort and no one’s going to do it for you, so stay focused, stay positive, and keep your head up! You can’t push yourself on people but your book isn’t going to sell itself either. So work on a friendly and easy flow of marketing your books without being too pushy. And most importantly…believe in yourself.
Q#5: Your characters are so raw and real! Which character do you see more of yourself in?
I guess Charlotte, but really not too much. I’m a lot less kept together in stressful situations than she is. I often say that Charlotte is a combination of who I am and who I wish I was. But I did put a lot of myself into the book to create an emotional connection; it’s just hidden throughout the book and characters.
Q#6: What is one thing about you that is unique and stands out from the rest?
One thing about me as a writer is that I don’t want to be predictable. Other than writing love stories I don’t want readers to feel like my books are all the same. Some will be literary fiction, others YA. Some will be in first person, some in third person. Some stories will be in a male perspective, some in female, and maybe even alternating between the two at times. I hate to feel as if an author isn’t challenging me as a reader. So I hope for my readers to pick up my books and expect a good story but other than that to be ready for a pleasantly different story from the others that I’ve written.
As a person, I don’t drink. At all. Though my twin sister doesn’t either…for the most part, I think we’re it. Haha. The most I’ve ever had is a glass of wine after turning 21 a few years ago. It’s just not for me. Peer pressure, the social side of drinking, and the feeling it seems everyone craves all bug me. It’s something I feel I’ll likely never understand. I’d rather just be me…in the flash, how I am, take it or leave it.
BONUS QUESTION!: Tell us a bit about your new upcoming novel, The Wanderer, and what inspired you to write this novel?
I am Sooooo excited about The Wanderer. It’s about a man, Landon Bradley, who got out of the Army and, not being accustomed to staying in one place for too long, packs up his motorcycle and heads north-west. The story touches upon serious issues like PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) which is very common in military personnel who have seen battle. But at the same time it is a love story through and through. The characters are likable, fun, and strong…but they have weakness like everyone else. I actually wanted to write this story because I love a man in uniform. Army specifically. Put him on a motorcycle and forget about it! Of course I couldn’t just have a hot soldier riding around on a motorcycle the whole time, so I create a story from that and I must say…this book has taken on a whole new appeal, and a special place in my heart.
Thanks Again,
"Greatness lives on the edge of destruction" -- Will Smith
Thank you, Shawn, for this amazing expierence!
Be sure to go to Shawn Maravel's author page! I basically live on her blog! :)
Names Cassandra, nice to be aquainted;

- Cassandra Richards
- I am 20 years old. I am currently going to University of Cincinnati to major in English. I have been an avid reader since I began reading at a very young age. I have decided to take up reviewing as a hobby and to never sell out! My biggest dream as of right now would be to become a very well-known published author. Keeping my fingers crossed. Do not be afraid to email me @ if you have any questions or if you would like for me to review your book! :D
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Severance by Shawn Maravel
""I was the silent and ever present figure in your life...but you." I kissed the back of her hand softly and closed my eyes. "You've always been the meaning of mine.""
When things finally start to look up, another curve-ball is thrown her way, promising to give her what she'd hoped for since meeting Joel, an answer it seems that came a little too late. What Charlotte thought she'd once known to be the truth filters through her fingers, leaving her to believe that her world and the afterworld are much more tangled than she'd originally expected. She comes to find that love and lust are no longer the sole deciders of her fate, but revenge. A lifetime of secrets unfold and Charlotte discovers that Joel hasn't been the only one watching over her all of these years.
Charlotte's world seemed to turn upside down when Joel took a bullet for her and was put in a coma. Time was running out for her guardian angel and after learning of how Alex truly felt she needs him more than ever. Will Joel ever wake up and how far will Alex go to get what he feels he truly deserves after what he gave up for Charlotte? What is Alex and why does he coming out now after all this time of being "friends"?
Severance was an amazing second installment of the Volition series! It was an official mind blower! If you enjoy angels, romance, and action then this is the perfect series for you! Shawn Maravel had me captivated from start to finish and had me biting my nails towards the ending. You thought the first book Charlotte was dealing with a whole bunch? This second installement made those obstacles seem minor. Maravel's style of writing is to the point, mysterious, and down right enchanting! The plot thickened to a very well pleased happy ending. As some may know I absolutely love having two main characters tell their point of view in a story, especially when its between the hero and heroine. It takes the story into a deeper, more complex (in a good way) situations. It makes the story more raw and insight to some situations that just one character cannot portray. The characters were more raw and real than in the first installment, and had me wishing them all a very big happy ending. (Yes, even the villian!) This series does not dissapoint and will make you want more and more after each passing word. The ending will have you in happy tears and very satisifies with the story.
Pick up this series and be captivated by Shawn Maravel's take on romance, mystery, and sexy angels!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
If I Had a Magic Lamp. (IML)
If I Had a Magic Lamp is a new weekly event that Ya-Aholic hosts! If you look on the right side of my page you will see it! Click the link to go to her blog and be apart of this new awesome feature! Its where I will be sharing three (3) things I so desperately wish for or plan on having /doing in the future dealing with books, or reading/reviewing related.
I am going to be doing this every Saturday (I know, I am super de-duper late, but I had a long day and just now had time to check this new event out!) SO, let gets on with these three wishes! Hopefully my genie will be kind enough to grant for me! :)
1st Wish: I would love to get the chance to read The Iron Knight by Julia Kagawa and review it for my book blog. For some reason to be able to get in Ash, the Winter Prince, head would be so amazing. I seriously cannot wait until October 25, 2011 (MY 21st BIRTHDAY!!!! :)) but, if I have to, I would not mind. It would be well worth the wait!
2nd Wish: My second wish is to be able to be a well known reviewer. That would be amazing. I wish to have a popular blog where people look to see reviews, upcoming book news, and as well giveaways. I took this reviewing thing as a side hobby. I enjoy reading, why not share it with others who enjoy reading? My inpirations so far come from Hayley from Ya-Aholic, and Kristi from The Story siren. They are my idols in my eyes and have very successful blogs. I hope to reach this one day! :) *fingers crossed*
That concludes this week of my wishes! Tune in next saturday to see three more wishes! :)
What would you wish for if you had a magic lamp!?
I am going to be doing this every Saturday (I know, I am super de-duper late, but I had a long day and just now had time to check this new event out!) SO, let gets on with these three wishes! Hopefully my genie will be kind enough to grant for me! :)
1st Wish: I would love to get the chance to read The Iron Knight by Julia Kagawa and review it for my book blog. For some reason to be able to get in Ash, the Winter Prince, head would be so amazing. I seriously cannot wait until October 25, 2011 (MY 21st BIRTHDAY!!!! :)) but, if I have to, I would not mind. It would be well worth the wait!
2nd Wish: My second wish is to be able to be a well known reviewer. That would be amazing. I wish to have a popular blog where people look to see reviews, upcoming book news, and as well giveaways. I took this reviewing thing as a side hobby. I enjoy reading, why not share it with others who enjoy reading? My inpirations so far come from Hayley from Ya-Aholic, and Kristi from The Story siren. They are my idols in my eyes and have very successful blogs. I hope to reach this one day! :) *fingers crossed*
3rd Wish: My third wish is being able to have my very own library. Not the kind of library that other people go and take out books, but the kind where I would have my own room filled with nothing but books. I have had this vision ever since I was a little girl. My parents had a room just for me and my sister filled with nothing but books on shelves. I hope to one day one my own house that would have these same shelves filled with nothing but my favorite books! That would honestly be a dream come true!
That concludes this week of my wishes! Tune in next saturday to see three more wishes! :)
What would you wish for if you had a magic lamp!?
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
February 26, 2010; The Day That Changed My Life...
I don't if anyone will read this or if anyone would even care. I just wanted to let my followers know a little bit more about myself. What better way to do it, than tell you about the hardest time I have ever faced by myself. This story is a bit gruesome and I would try not dwell on those painful memories of mine. On February 26, 2010 changed my life in every impossible way. The events that happend that day are true in every sense and even though I like to think of myself as an exceptional writer with a great imagination, but I honestly could not make these events up even if I tried. Enough with the briefing, let me tell you about the day I was hurt at work on a Friday that could have been just like any other day, but turned for the worst.
I work at a system parts company. Basically, that mean we make parts to help in every day. We make car parts for car makers, and surgical parts for hospitals. I started September 22, 2009. I had just graduated and desperately needed a job because my parents were threatening they would not pay for college. I was desperate and decided to get a job along with them. At first I started by sorting parts, making sure the parts passed the long list of inspections. Then, after a couple months I was promoted to a belt sander position. They were these big machines that belt sand parts basically. Parts go through, get belt sanded, washed, and then coated with a type of chemical so they do not rust. It was pretty tough and demanded a work out from hell. Let us just say I was toned more than I have ever been in my life. The belt sander I was working on was deemed as the "Bitch" because it was the toughest belt sander the company had. In my mind she was possessed. Seriously, she was crazy and unpredictable. I was intimidated, but not scared of her. Just intimidated. I worked on her for several months and never had any serious problems. I mean, she was dangerous, with the safety being bypassed and anyone being able to open any door even if she was running. Like I said, intimidating. Very.
In January, I was officially hired on and had a three month probabtion period. I was excited, because I was working, getting very good money at my age and I loved the peolpe I worked with. In February was a crazy month now that I look back on it. I was bouncing around living with my parents along with my grandparents to get away every once in a while. On the week of my accident I was staying with my grandparents. The whole weekend, followed by the week I had this strong bad feeling. It was like panic attacks, but without the attack. I was panicky and scared. I had no idea why.The feeling felt as if at any moment my was was going to be drastically changed. It felt like a very, very bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. My heart felt hollow and very vulnerable. Still, this bad feeling had a reason to it and I was determined to stop the feeling as soon as possible. My mom has diabetes and had a few close calls, too close. That is a whole other story that was also a part of the "hard times" in my life. I am sure one day I would write a book like that just for the sake of my life being nothing but crazy at times. So, with this panic sick feeling that I was having I felt it that it was centered towards my mom, who was actually healthy and not at all looked sick at all. This whole week I was only twenty minutes away from my mother and desperately begged my unlce (who was the source of my ride to and from work) to take me home and to stay there for a bit. Of course, he wrote off my bad feeling as nothing more than some superstitious. I was devistated and could not let this feeling go. I told my mom of my bad feeling, and promised her I would come home on Friday for the weekend to be by her side.
On Friday, February 26, 2010 I was told by my boss to reach in to the machine and to get the parts that were washed off at the wash station. This part of the belt sander did not seem dangerous, so with my poor judgement I reach my hand in to the machine. I remember this day like this was yesterday. Quite literally. I mean, it was only a year and six months ago, but to me, it was just yesterday. I was jamming away to Alesna (my favorite band of all time) to their new cd they just came out with. I was dancing around like a complete idiot glad it was Friday and that I was going home to my mom. The bad feeling was gone and I thought all my worries were behind me. I just learned that it was also my 7 months and a day with my boyfriend. I was high off life and happy for the first time since last Friday. When I reached my hand in to the machine on that Friday, my thumb was caught by a wheel that had taking my hand, arm, up to my elbow inside the machine. Mind you the space opening my arm went through was nothing bigger than a pencil. This was worst imaginable pain I could ever face. I never knew such pain, and I was not a happy camper with how fast my arm was being suck through. The first thought when while my arm was being ate by the machine, was nothing like I thought would run through my mind. I had never broken a bone in my life. Hell, not even a chip. (KNOCK ON WOOD) I thought, "Hmmm. So, this is how the hell it feels to break a damn bone. I screamed on the top of my lungs and looking back, hoping to God that somone was coming to help me. My dad was the first to the scene that I know of. A machine maintenance guy that reguarly worked on my machine was the first to turn the machine off. At the time I had no idea. I didn't even know the machine was turned off. I was in too much pain to even know what was really happening. My dad held me while the machine had lifted me off the ground. I had not yet shed a tear. I was too worried about my right hand that had been trapped in the machine.
All of a sudden I was bombarded with people all around me holding me, yelling, and crying. This is where everything went in slow motion. It felt like years being trapped inside this machine, trying so desperately to get out. Men worked hard trying to get me out of the machine deemed as the "bitch". The Bitch had me and was fighting hard to keep me inside. I heard a scream beside me. I peeked beside me and through the cluster of people, I saw my mom with an expression I never want to see ever again. I screamed out to my mom. It took five people to hold my mom back from getting to her daughter that was trapped inside a machine.
I turned to my dad who held me so gently, but yet could not have been pried out of his grasp, and whispered that it hurt. Tears fell out of my eyes and I was more worried about my mom and dad having to see me like this. I was worried why had my arm went numb, and I could no longer feel my hand. Was it damaged? Were there any bones poking out? How broken were my bones? Was I going to ever be able to use it ever again? Was my biggest dream crushed because the bitch was set out to destroy me? Was the btich even that possessed to ruin that much of someone's life? I remember while I was still stuck, the men were trying to unhook the top part, which was a magnent that transfered the parts to the next belt that had sprayed parts with the unrusting chemical. This part had to weigh over fifty pounds, and extremely heavy. When they unhooked this part of the machine to get me out, it collasped onto my arm, shooting pain that had since went numb. I screamed out in pain. Then, alas I was pried from the machine and lay down on the ground laying in my dad's lap. When I came out of the machine, I remember everyone yelling not to look at my hand. To close my eyes, and to keep them closed. It took five minutes for the men to get me out of the machine.
The pain was back and I could not stop the tears. My head phones was torn from my left ear, while a part stayed in my ear. I begged for my dad to get it out, because I could not hear well. Everything was muffled, I thought maybe I was passing out from all the pain because he kept repeating there was nothing left in my ear. While my dad held me and people were asking me questions to keep from passing out, they went to the first aid kit and wrapped my arm up to keep from bleeding. I then saw a women dressed in a fire fighters suit and thought I was hallucinating because I did not see them before. I heard the women and a few other voices ask if I had bleed at all, what I heard astonished me. I had not bleed once. Not even when they got me out of the machine and while wrapping it. The medics put a oxygen mask on me and put me on a stretcher. I was wheeled out to the ambulance and cried for my mom to be by my side. They did not let her back there, because they had to work on my arm and put an IV into my arm to give me the best dose of morphine I had ever had. (I never had morphine before, but damn it was phenominal.)
Now for the gory details, I have to remind you that this part of my experience was very elating and devistating at the same time. Contradictive, I know, but it was bitter-sweet. If you have a screamish stomach and do not like gory things, I will tell you to stop reading now. I mean, you heard the crazy part of my story, but now this is only the gory details and the part what had happend to my hand/arm/elbow.
While in the hospital I had a mixture of feelings. With the morphine, I was singing, the next I was crying. I had asked the doctor in one of my depressed moments if my hand was ever going to be able to work again. I had a dream to become an author. My right hand was vital in this goal of mine. If I was not able to use my right hand again, I was going to learn how to use my left again. These were drastic evaluations, but I had never had an injury to this significance. I had no idea what to expect from this injury. The doctor sat down next to me and told me he didn't know what to expect as well. He had no idea what to tell me. I did not blame him for the news that he had no idea. After a few hours waiting to be moved to another hospital to have plastic surgery on my palm to make it look like hand again, I found what my injuries were. My palm was only hanging by a thread to my hand, my wrist was wide open, my arm had a deep cut, and my elbow also had a deep cut. I had thirty stitched in all. I had not broken a bone, not even a chip. I had not cut any tendons in my hand, or arm. It was a complete miracle. I came to the conclusion I had a very loving guardian angel.
It took me a month to come back to work, three months to heal completely, and four months to complete my physical therapy. It was the most bizarre miracle I had not permantly damaged my hand, or not to lose my hand all together. I had overcome the pain, and the workout to get me hand to work again. I had my good days and I also had my bad days, but I got through it. I still do not have the full strenghth of my hand and I still get sympathy pains. It was a tough year and six months so far, but I had learned not to take little stuff for granted like the use of my right hand.
If you read this whole thing, thank you so much taking time out of your life to read my story that had changed my life, not for the worst, but for the better.
I work at a system parts company. Basically, that mean we make parts to help in every day. We make car parts for car makers, and surgical parts for hospitals. I started September 22, 2009. I had just graduated and desperately needed a job because my parents were threatening they would not pay for college. I was desperate and decided to get a job along with them. At first I started by sorting parts, making sure the parts passed the long list of inspections. Then, after a couple months I was promoted to a belt sander position. They were these big machines that belt sand parts basically. Parts go through, get belt sanded, washed, and then coated with a type of chemical so they do not rust. It was pretty tough and demanded a work out from hell. Let us just say I was toned more than I have ever been in my life. The belt sander I was working on was deemed as the "Bitch" because it was the toughest belt sander the company had. In my mind she was possessed. Seriously, she was crazy and unpredictable. I was intimidated, but not scared of her. Just intimidated. I worked on her for several months and never had any serious problems. I mean, she was dangerous, with the safety being bypassed and anyone being able to open any door even if she was running. Like I said, intimidating. Very.
In January, I was officially hired on and had a three month probabtion period. I was excited, because I was working, getting very good money at my age and I loved the peolpe I worked with. In February was a crazy month now that I look back on it. I was bouncing around living with my parents along with my grandparents to get away every once in a while. On the week of my accident I was staying with my grandparents. The whole weekend, followed by the week I had this strong bad feeling. It was like panic attacks, but without the attack. I was panicky and scared. I had no idea why.The feeling felt as if at any moment my was was going to be drastically changed. It felt like a very, very bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. My heart felt hollow and very vulnerable. Still, this bad feeling had a reason to it and I was determined to stop the feeling as soon as possible. My mom has diabetes and had a few close calls, too close. That is a whole other story that was also a part of the "hard times" in my life. I am sure one day I would write a book like that just for the sake of my life being nothing but crazy at times. So, with this panic sick feeling that I was having I felt it that it was centered towards my mom, who was actually healthy and not at all looked sick at all. This whole week I was only twenty minutes away from my mother and desperately begged my unlce (who was the source of my ride to and from work) to take me home and to stay there for a bit. Of course, he wrote off my bad feeling as nothing more than some superstitious. I was devistated and could not let this feeling go. I told my mom of my bad feeling, and promised her I would come home on Friday for the weekend to be by her side.
On Friday, February 26, 2010 I was told by my boss to reach in to the machine and to get the parts that were washed off at the wash station. This part of the belt sander did not seem dangerous, so with my poor judgement I reach my hand in to the machine. I remember this day like this was yesterday. Quite literally. I mean, it was only a year and six months ago, but to me, it was just yesterday. I was jamming away to Alesna (my favorite band of all time) to their new cd they just came out with. I was dancing around like a complete idiot glad it was Friday and that I was going home to my mom. The bad feeling was gone and I thought all my worries were behind me. I just learned that it was also my 7 months and a day with my boyfriend. I was high off life and happy for the first time since last Friday. When I reached my hand in to the machine on that Friday, my thumb was caught by a wheel that had taking my hand, arm, up to my elbow inside the machine. Mind you the space opening my arm went through was nothing bigger than a pencil. This was worst imaginable pain I could ever face. I never knew such pain, and I was not a happy camper with how fast my arm was being suck through. The first thought when while my arm was being ate by the machine, was nothing like I thought would run through my mind. I had never broken a bone in my life. Hell, not even a chip. (KNOCK ON WOOD) I thought, "Hmmm. So, this is how the hell it feels to break a damn bone. I screamed on the top of my lungs and looking back, hoping to God that somone was coming to help me. My dad was the first to the scene that I know of. A machine maintenance guy that reguarly worked on my machine was the first to turn the machine off. At the time I had no idea. I didn't even know the machine was turned off. I was in too much pain to even know what was really happening. My dad held me while the machine had lifted me off the ground. I had not yet shed a tear. I was too worried about my right hand that had been trapped in the machine.
All of a sudden I was bombarded with people all around me holding me, yelling, and crying. This is where everything went in slow motion. It felt like years being trapped inside this machine, trying so desperately to get out. Men worked hard trying to get me out of the machine deemed as the "bitch". The Bitch had me and was fighting hard to keep me inside. I heard a scream beside me. I peeked beside me and through the cluster of people, I saw my mom with an expression I never want to see ever again. I screamed out to my mom. It took five people to hold my mom back from getting to her daughter that was trapped inside a machine.
I turned to my dad who held me so gently, but yet could not have been pried out of his grasp, and whispered that it hurt. Tears fell out of my eyes and I was more worried about my mom and dad having to see me like this. I was worried why had my arm went numb, and I could no longer feel my hand. Was it damaged? Were there any bones poking out? How broken were my bones? Was I going to ever be able to use it ever again? Was my biggest dream crushed because the bitch was set out to destroy me? Was the btich even that possessed to ruin that much of someone's life? I remember while I was still stuck, the men were trying to unhook the top part, which was a magnent that transfered the parts to the next belt that had sprayed parts with the unrusting chemical. This part had to weigh over fifty pounds, and extremely heavy. When they unhooked this part of the machine to get me out, it collasped onto my arm, shooting pain that had since went numb. I screamed out in pain. Then, alas I was pried from the machine and lay down on the ground laying in my dad's lap. When I came out of the machine, I remember everyone yelling not to look at my hand. To close my eyes, and to keep them closed. It took five minutes for the men to get me out of the machine.
The pain was back and I could not stop the tears. My head phones was torn from my left ear, while a part stayed in my ear. I begged for my dad to get it out, because I could not hear well. Everything was muffled, I thought maybe I was passing out from all the pain because he kept repeating there was nothing left in my ear. While my dad held me and people were asking me questions to keep from passing out, they went to the first aid kit and wrapped my arm up to keep from bleeding. I then saw a women dressed in a fire fighters suit and thought I was hallucinating because I did not see them before. I heard the women and a few other voices ask if I had bleed at all, what I heard astonished me. I had not bleed once. Not even when they got me out of the machine and while wrapping it. The medics put a oxygen mask on me and put me on a stretcher. I was wheeled out to the ambulance and cried for my mom to be by my side. They did not let her back there, because they had to work on my arm and put an IV into my arm to give me the best dose of morphine I had ever had. (I never had morphine before, but damn it was phenominal.)
Now for the gory details, I have to remind you that this part of my experience was very elating and devistating at the same time. Contradictive, I know, but it was bitter-sweet. If you have a screamish stomach and do not like gory things, I will tell you to stop reading now. I mean, you heard the crazy part of my story, but now this is only the gory details and the part what had happend to my hand/arm/elbow.
While in the hospital I had a mixture of feelings. With the morphine, I was singing, the next I was crying. I had asked the doctor in one of my depressed moments if my hand was ever going to be able to work again. I had a dream to become an author. My right hand was vital in this goal of mine. If I was not able to use my right hand again, I was going to learn how to use my left again. These were drastic evaluations, but I had never had an injury to this significance. I had no idea what to expect from this injury. The doctor sat down next to me and told me he didn't know what to expect as well. He had no idea what to tell me. I did not blame him for the news that he had no idea. After a few hours waiting to be moved to another hospital to have plastic surgery on my palm to make it look like hand again, I found what my injuries were. My palm was only hanging by a thread to my hand, my wrist was wide open, my arm had a deep cut, and my elbow also had a deep cut. I had thirty stitched in all. I had not broken a bone, not even a chip. I had not cut any tendons in my hand, or arm. It was a complete miracle. I came to the conclusion I had a very loving guardian angel.
It took me a month to come back to work, three months to heal completely, and four months to complete my physical therapy. It was the most bizarre miracle I had not permantly damaged my hand, or not to lose my hand all together. I had overcome the pain, and the workout to get me hand to work again. I had my good days and I also had my bad days, but I got through it. I still do not have the full strenghth of my hand and I still get sympathy pains. It was a tough year and six months so far, but I had learned not to take little stuff for granted like the use of my right hand.
If you read this whole thing, thank you so much taking time out of your life to read my story that had changed my life, not for the worst, but for the better.
Volition by Shawn Maravel
""I always thought the world made sense, Charlotte, that there are certain things that will just never be," he leaned his head against mine "that the sky and the earth run parrellel to one another, never meant to touch. But that's not true. They've always been embracing it's just so natural we never notice it before."" Synopsis:
Charlotte Rush would be the first to admit that her life is no rollercoaster ride. Her days are laced with ordinary and at times boring monotony. But with a heart that finds itself frequently broken she's happy to say that she's content.
When her friends convince her to spend the night out at a club to let loose and maybe even find a guy, she finally admits that her life might be missing something.
No sooner does she let go of her inhibitions does she find herself waking up in a dark hotel room in the presence of Joel, a man who carries mystery in his eyes and familiarity in his smile. Against reason Charlotte decides to trust him based solely on one thing. Somehow, she is sure that she knows him.
In a race against time to find answers and to solve the crime committed against her Charlotte finds herself falling for him. However, with nothing but mystery surrounding him she can't even be sure that he's the hero at all. While knowing all of the right things to say he still manages to tell her nothing. As a battle is waged over the innocence of her cryptic stranger, Charlotte discovers that much greater danger awaits her. And the mysteries behind who and what Joel is will lead Charlotte to discover that heaven and earth are not so far apart.
I have been waiting to have Volition and Severence ever since Shawn Maravel befriended me on Goodreads, and when I read Hayley's blog, Ya-Aholic. I saw that is was about angels and instantly fell in love even though I never even read the words written yet. Angels and anything to do with angels is my very deep obsession ever since I had a couple freak accidents that were too bizarre to explain how I came out with just a few scars to hardly no scars at all. Being a bit religious, I automatically assumed I had a very generous guardian angel, and being the hopeless romantic that I am, I love the romantic stories between an angel and a human being. Shawn Maravel's assumption on angels had me yearning for ever word of this story. The chemistry and emotions between Joel and Charlotte was so astonishing I had to remind myself that they were not real and just character. Shawn created a very beautiful love story between a guardian angel and the love of his life, the very reason he exist.
Charlotte is a 23 year old college senior, who has had her hear broken countless times by nothing but jerks. It is very hard to trust any guy for that matter. Until she meets Joel, in the most strangest of circumstances. She instantly trusts him, even when her friends don't, and she seems to know him from some where but cannot place where she has ever met this strange man. She would have remembered those green eyes even if she had met him before. She can't seem to reason why he is so shielded with information and why with every question he answers isn't quite what she was looking for. Even with the mystery that coats Joel, she can't help but fall for him and his strange ways.
Overall: This book was nothing short of amazing, and had me yearning for every word up until the very end. At first the story was slow, but picked up right when Joel entered the picture. The writing style was all Shawn and the plot along with characters were nothing but original. The plot was well thought out and even though I knew what Joel was from the geico it had me guessing if Joel could be trusted at first or if Joel really was what he said he was. I never saw the end coming and it had the most craziest twist I would have never prediced. I would recommend this book to any angel lover or any hopeless romantic and I would definitely read the second in the series, Severence.
Book cover: I love Shawn's new and approved cover rather than the one before, even though it was pretty as well. I feel this one is a lot more personal and has connection to the story. The green is very gorgeous and I love the harmonica. Synopsis:
Charlotte Rush would be the first to admit that her life is no rollercoaster ride. Her days are laced with ordinary and at times boring monotony. But with a heart that finds itself frequently broken she's happy to say that she's content.
When her friends convince her to spend the night out at a club to let loose and maybe even find a guy, she finally admits that her life might be missing something.
No sooner does she let go of her inhibitions does she find herself waking up in a dark hotel room in the presence of Joel, a man who carries mystery in his eyes and familiarity in his smile. Against reason Charlotte decides to trust him based solely on one thing. Somehow, she is sure that she knows him.
In a race against time to find answers and to solve the crime committed against her Charlotte finds herself falling for him. However, with nothing but mystery surrounding him she can't even be sure that he's the hero at all. While knowing all of the right things to say he still manages to tell her nothing. As a battle is waged over the innocence of her cryptic stranger, Charlotte discovers that much greater danger awaits her. And the mysteries behind who and what Joel is will lead Charlotte to discover that heaven and earth are not so far apart.
I have been waiting to have Volition and Severence ever since Shawn Maravel befriended me on Goodreads, and when I read Hayley's blog, Ya-Aholic. I saw that is was about angels and instantly fell in love even though I never even read the words written yet. Angels and anything to do with angels is my very deep obsession ever since I had a couple freak accidents that were too bizarre to explain how I came out with just a few scars to hardly no scars at all. Being a bit religious, I automatically assumed I had a very generous guardian angel, and being the hopeless romantic that I am, I love the romantic stories between an angel and a human being. Shawn Maravel's assumption on angels had me yearning for ever word of this story. The chemistry and emotions between Joel and Charlotte was so astonishing I had to remind myself that they were not real and just character. Shawn created a very beautiful love story between a guardian angel and the love of his life, the very reason he exist.
Charlotte is a 23 year old college senior, who has had her hear broken countless times by nothing but jerks. It is very hard to trust any guy for that matter. Until she meets Joel, in the most strangest of circumstances. She instantly trusts him, even when her friends don't, and she seems to know him from some where but cannot place where she has ever met this strange man. She would have remembered those green eyes even if she had met him before. She can't seem to reason why he is so shielded with information and why with every question he answers isn't quite what she was looking for. Even with the mystery that coats Joel, she can't help but fall for him and his strange ways.
Overall: This book was nothing short of amazing, and had me yearning for every word up until the very end. At first the story was slow, but picked up right when Joel entered the picture. The writing style was all Shawn and the plot along with characters were nothing but original. The plot was well thought out and even though I knew what Joel was from the geico it had me guessing if Joel could be trusted at first or if Joel really was what he said he was. I never saw the end coming and it had the most craziest twist I would have never prediced. I would recommend this book to any angel lover or any hopeless romantic and I would definitely read the second in the series, Severence.
Book cover: I love Shawn's new and approved cover rather than the one before, even though it was pretty as well. I feel this one is a lot more personal and has connection to the story. The green is very gorgeous and I love the harmonica.
Shawn Maravel,
true love,
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Fallen Eden by Nicole Williams
If happily ever after were a place, twenty-year-old Bryn Dawson would be on the farthest planet from it.
Reduced to stolen glances and secret meetings as they await a Betrothal the Council is bent on stalling, William and Bryn have to settle for happily right now, but with a man like William Hayward at her side, Bryn’s hardly settling.
The day John Townsend sends an army of Immortal mercenaries intent on destroying everyone Bryn loves, she must make the decision generations of star-crossed lovers before her have—live alone or die together. William’s made his decision, Bryn’s the one fate’s waiting on.
But fate will only wait so long until it makes the decision for her.
Oh my, I don't even know where to begin with this fabulous work of art. (I am not in any way trying to butter up the author, this is seriously the best series I have read this year. Absolutely divine!) The story begins a couple months after the first book catching up with the much divided Hayward family, and the main character, Bryn. The story hits right off the bat and straight in to action just as the first book in the series did. The characters are still their funny selves and are even funnier this go round. That is one of the main reasons why I love this series so much, its not so serious all the darn time and they can still be sarcastic as the next person! Also, then there is William. The very top reason why I love this series so much. This whole book is nothing like I thought Williams would have taken it in, IN A GOOD WAY. I just did not see anything that was thrown my way in this heartbreaking story. This whole story was unpredictable, heartbreaking, and so heartwarming all at the same time. If you ask me, that is the simple ingredients to make a very amazing book!
A couple times I was frustrated with the story, but not in the usual way where I would automatically blame the author. Williams took it in a realistic way and every decision Bryn had made, I would have made myself. I just wish Williams would have warned in the beginning that I would had to have my tissues by my side for most of the story. The ending was fabulous with out meaning to leave a big cliff hanger. I am not giving anything too big away by saying "What did Patrick's father want to talk to him about?" I really hope it is not what I am thinking it is. Please, Williams, DO NOT KILL ME! I NEED TO KNOW SOON WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! (It is safe to say I am very addicted to this series Williams has graced upon us.)
The story in now way was ever boring and again Williams' writing style was amazing and easy to cling to every single word that she had written in Fallen Eden as with the first book, Eternal Eden. If the next book, United Eden (coming out this November! :)))) has the same writing style, with the simple ingredients that make this series so phenominal then consider me (the possible number one fan?) game on!!!
Overall: READ THIS! I would never steer you wrong! :)
Book Cover: Pretty. Don't really get how it has anything to do with the story inside?
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Jenny Pox by J. L. Bryan
Synopsis from
Jenny is a quiet, small-town girl in South Carolina whose touch spreads a deadly supernatural plague. Jenny can't control her power. Her life is friendless and lonely until she meets a boy with the opposite power, a healing touch. Her love for him brings the wrath of his beautiful and immensely popular girlfriend Ashleigh, who secretly wields the most dangerous power of all.Jenny must master her own deadly power in order to free Seth from Ashleigh's control. Then she must defeat Ashleigh before Ashleigh can destroy her.
Jenny Pox was a very haunting story. The most haunting I have read in a long while. Its nothing like scary, just very haunting. It seems like that is the best word to describe this story with. The story reminded me of a few of my favorite movies such as "Mean Girls", "Carrie", "Saved", and "X-Men". Alothough J. L. Bryan's writing style was boring and made me skim through the book instead of letting me hang onto every word, he was specially gifted in making the plot seem terrific and original. The plot was so well constructed and thought out I never saw the truth of the situation or end coming. The story line seemed flaky at times and hard to follow, but I had easily recovered by rereading a few paragraphs a few times.
The characters to me were realistic, but with a bit of demented personalities. Jenny was the lonely, scared young girl who has just reached her senior year of high school and yeilded a deadly plague when she touched a person. She resorted to wearing gloves and being teased her whole life. It was very easy to feel sorry for Jenny and to understand her depression growing up. Ashleigh was this evil, "religious" mastermind who was the one to cause all hell to break loose. Ashliegh also wielded a special power just by touching people. She spread love and desire. When Ashleigh touched others, they automatically adored her and would do anything she would say. Ashleight basically controlled the whole town. Opposite of Jenny's character, it was extremely easy to hate Ashleigh's character. Then there is Seth. The prize between both girls. Seth also has an amazing power when he touches others. He can heal. Seth is the only person in the entire world Jenny can touch without causing the plague and she instantly falls in love with him.
Overall: There are a few parts that disgusted me and made me put the book down a few times. I also had a few times questioning myself if I could even finish the book. I am glad I had though. The ending was worth it and I cannot wait to see what happend next in the second book named Tommy Nightmare. I would not recommend this book unless you like the movies I have named earlier or if you are not light hearted. The book is slow and boring at times but towards the end it was worth it.
Book Cover: Eh. Its nothing special.
Jenny is a quiet, small-town girl in South Carolina whose touch spreads a deadly supernatural plague. Jenny can't control her power. Her life is friendless and lonely until she meets a boy with the opposite power, a healing touch. Her love for him brings the wrath of his beautiful and immensely popular girlfriend Ashleigh, who secretly wields the most dangerous power of all.Jenny must master her own deadly power in order to free Seth from Ashleigh's control. Then she must defeat Ashleigh before Ashleigh can destroy her.
Jenny Pox was a very haunting story. The most haunting I have read in a long while. Its nothing like scary, just very haunting. It seems like that is the best word to describe this story with. The story reminded me of a few of my favorite movies such as "Mean Girls", "Carrie", "Saved", and "X-Men". Alothough J. L. Bryan's writing style was boring and made me skim through the book instead of letting me hang onto every word, he was specially gifted in making the plot seem terrific and original. The plot was so well constructed and thought out I never saw the truth of the situation or end coming. The story line seemed flaky at times and hard to follow, but I had easily recovered by rereading a few paragraphs a few times.
The characters to me were realistic, but with a bit of demented personalities. Jenny was the lonely, scared young girl who has just reached her senior year of high school and yeilded a deadly plague when she touched a person. She resorted to wearing gloves and being teased her whole life. It was very easy to feel sorry for Jenny and to understand her depression growing up. Ashleigh was this evil, "religious" mastermind who was the one to cause all hell to break loose. Ashliegh also wielded a special power just by touching people. She spread love and desire. When Ashleigh touched others, they automatically adored her and would do anything she would say. Ashleight basically controlled the whole town. Opposite of Jenny's character, it was extremely easy to hate Ashleigh's character. Then there is Seth. The prize between both girls. Seth also has an amazing power when he touches others. He can heal. Seth is the only person in the entire world Jenny can touch without causing the plague and she instantly falls in love with him.
Overall: There are a few parts that disgusted me and made me put the book down a few times. I also had a few times questioning myself if I could even finish the book. I am glad I had though. The ending was worth it and I cannot wait to see what happend next in the second book named Tommy Nightmare. I would not recommend this book unless you like the movies I have named earlier or if you are not light hearted. The book is slow and boring at times but towards the end it was worth it.
Book Cover: Eh. Its nothing special.
J. L. Bryan,
Jenny Pox,
JL Bryan,
Kindle User's Delight!!!!
Just thought I would let my lovely followers in on the great news I had just recieved! Now shall we all enjoy the delight of this amazing series I have been begging to get my hands on! :D
Go to these links and purchase it!
Happy writing and reading Yall! :D
What Cassandra Is Looking Forward To
RELEASE DATE: Aug 1, 2011 Synopsis:The Glassheart Chronicles is a collection of short stories from a talented cast of Young Adult Paranormal Romance authors.
Each contributing author spins a captivating short story involving a character from one of their already existing novels, providing an extra glimpse into that character's world.
Fans of these authors and their books will eat these stories up and breathlessly ask for more
This is the one book I am looking forward to. One reason is because I love these short stories and you get to see new authors that you might not have heard of! You get see their writing style and if you like thier short you get to check out thier books! Its an awesome compromise if you ask me!
Any who, the one story in this is the one I am most thrilled to read. Nicole Williams, the author of Eternal Eden and Fallen Eden wrote a very special short in this collection. On Nicole Williams blog ( she wrote a very special surprise for us! Check it out!
"Since I know everyone's been holding their breath (oh wait, that was just me!), I'll alliviate everyone's discomfort and satiate your curiosity by making the big mystery character reveal right now . . .
It is none other than our Bryn-worshipping, surfing Immortal god, William Hayward.
The story will be a side-story to a certain scene in Eternal Eden told from William's point of view. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It was a new, difficult, and sometimes agonizing challenge writing a short story from a different character's POV, but as I've found with most every good thing in my life, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it.
Any guesses as to which scene is told from William's point of view? "
I was super excited that I had a million guesses!!! Of course, this doesn't mean anything if you haven't read her series! Check those out as well!!!! Here are the Covers!
Volition series GIVEAWAY! (International!)
Shawn Maravel is having a giveaway on Ya-Aholic's blog! I have not read these books yet, but after hearing Ya-Aholic's reveiw on them I am just dying to get my hands on these books and crack them open to devour this angelic romance. This giveaway is international as well! THAT'S HUGE!!!! :)))
Go to this link and enter this awesome giveaway!
Voltion Description:
Charlotte Rush would be the first to admit that her life is no rollercoaster ride. Her days are laced with ordinary and at times boring monotony. But with a heart that finds itself frequently broken she's happy to say that she's content.
When her friends convince her to spend the night out at a club to let loose and maybe even find a guy, she finally admits that her life might be missing something.
No sooner does she let go of her inhibitions does she find herself waking up in a dark hotel room in the presence of Joel, a man who carries mystery in his eyes and familiarity in his smile. Against reason Charlotte decides to trust him based solely on one thing. Somehow, she is sure that she knows him.
In a race against time to find answers and to solve the crime committed against her Charlotte finds herself falling for him. However, with nothing but mystery surrounding him she can't even be sure that he's the hero at all. While knowing all of the right things to say he still manages to tell her nothing. As a battle is waged over the innocence of her cryptic stranger, Charlotte discovers that much greater danger awaits her.
GET TO IT!!!! That description should be enough to get your hand on these amazing books!!! :D
Go to this link and enter this awesome giveaway!
Voltion Description:
Charlotte Rush would be the first to admit that her life is no rollercoaster ride. Her days are laced with ordinary and at times boring monotony. But with a heart that finds itself frequently broken she's happy to say that she's content.
When her friends convince her to spend the night out at a club to let loose and maybe even find a guy, she finally admits that her life might be missing something.
No sooner does she let go of her inhibitions does she find herself waking up in a dark hotel room in the presence of Joel, a man who carries mystery in his eyes and familiarity in his smile. Against reason Charlotte decides to trust him based solely on one thing. Somehow, she is sure that she knows him.
the mysteries behind who and what Joel is will lead Charlotte to discover that heaven and earth are not so far apart.
GET TO IT!!!! That description should be enough to get your hand on these amazing books!!! :D
Friday, July 22, 2011
The Witches of Santa Anna (Books #1-7) by Lauren Barnholdt
Synopsis from
Natalia Moore is the new girl at Santa Anna Prep, and all she wants to do is fly under the radar -- get to her classes, meet a few friends, and try not to make a total fool of herself in the meantime. But when handsome and popular Campbell Elliot goes out of his way to be nice to the new girl, Natalia's plan to go unnoticed flies out the window.
Cam's hot, but he's completely off-limits. Raine Marsden, the most popular and meanest girl in school, has had her eye on him ever since the summer. And Raine doesn't like competition.
When Cam goes as far as inviting Natalia to the exclusive weekend party at Raine's house, Raine sets her sights on a new victim. But what Natalia doesn't know is that Raine and her friends are no ordinary mean girls. They have powers most people can only dream of, and nobody will stand in the way of what they want. And what Raine wants is Campbell.
The Witches of Santa Anna series of novellas, proves just how far true love will go and that nothing--not even pure evil--can change your destiny....
My Review:
Lauren Barnholdt is a genius when it comes to what I call Chick Lit. Think a Chick Flick movie only made into a tree. I found out that Ms. Barnholdt was playing with YA paranormal fantasy, I was very intrigued and was astonished that you could get the first seven books on Kindle for only .99 cents! I automatically bought it. I should have researched a little deeper because low and behold they were only short (VERY SHORT) novellas for a series. Each book were about three chapters long. I had no problem with it at the time because all seven books were only .99 cents. It was still a deal. Basically this was the first complete book of the series only broken up into novellas. Then I found out there were four more books and I hurried to my kindle store to check them out. They were still novellas and the first two were only .99 cents. Then the last two were $2.99. I am no cheap skate, but this seemed odd to me. Lauren Barnholdt has plenty books that are very good and I enjoy to read, but this turned me off to the series a little bit. First, (not saying its true, this is just my opinion) it seemed she was only writing these short novellas and putting them on Kindle and Amazon making a short three chapter novella for $2.99 only seems like she was just writing this series for the money. I like to think that most writers write for the pure sport and creativity, and they bestow this greatness on us just because they want to make us happy with thier world. Of course, most writers do it for this reason, but there is the other reason (I like to call this the Evil Reason) some writers do it for the money. Now enough with my ranting and I am real sorry for that. Let us go on with the review.
The beginning of the story is real slow to begin with, like with most books, but it is entertaining and funny, not too boring. I love when books do different points of view like Lauren Barnholdt does by naming each chapter with the character for their point of view. I like it more when it is between both the female main character and the male main character. It also gives the characters more life and you get both sides of the story. Where as with most books you only get one side with not all the information. This whole story with Witches is very original the plot was very well thought out. The characters were real and had real emotions. They were not what so ever robots. Some parts did annoy me when each character automatically assumed things that were not true, even though this way was more realistic. It just bugged me because I just wanted the two main characters to get the "Happily Ever After" already. I loved the symbolism with the butterflies, and was really creeped out by some of the characters.
I would recommend this book, so far from what I read were really good. My only problem with is the price for such short books.
Cover: Really pretty. I love that dress. A+
Iron Knight by Julia Kagawa
The Iron Knight Cover. Is. Freaking. Gorgeous. I love the color, the design around the book, and that godly face of Ash, the Winter Prince. Sigh... I cannot wait until this book is out and I get my hands on it!
Or if someone wants to book swap with me, that would be coolio as well.
The release date: October 25, 2011 (MY BIRTHDAY! :D ITS MEANT TO BE!)
The Synopsis from Ash, former prince of the Winter Court, gave up everything. His title, his home, even his vow of loyalty. All for a girl… and all for nothing.
Unless he can earn a soul.
To cold, emotionless faery prince Ash, love was a weakness for mortals and fools. His own love had died a horrible death, killing any gentler feelings the Winter prince might have had. Or so he thought.
Then Meghan Chase—a half human, half fey slip of a girl— smashed through his barricades, binding him to her irrevocably with his oath to be her knight. And when all of Faery nearly fell to the Iron fey, she severed their bond to save his life. Meghan is now the Iron Queen, ruler of a realm where no Winter or Summer fey can survive.
With the (unwelcome) company of his archrival, Summer Court prankster Puck, and the infuriating cait sith Grimalkin, Ash begins a journey he is bound to see through to its end— a quest to find a way to honor his solemn vow to stand by Meghan’s side.
To survive in the Iron realm, Ash must have a soul and a mortal body. But the tests he must face to earn these things are impossible. At least, no one has ever passed to tell the tale.
And then Ash learns something that changes everything. A truth that turns reality upside down, challenges his darkest beliefs and shows him that, sometimes, it takes more than courage to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Like I said, CANNOT WAIT! Just wanted to let my followers know what I am EXCITED (understatement of the year) for. :)
Or if someone wants to book swap with me, that would be coolio as well.
The release date: October 25, 2011 (MY BIRTHDAY! :D ITS MEANT TO BE!)
The Synopsis from Ash, former prince of the Winter Court, gave up everything. His title, his home, even his vow of loyalty. All for a girl… and all for nothing.
Unless he can earn a soul.
To cold, emotionless faery prince Ash, love was a weakness for mortals and fools. His own love had died a horrible death, killing any gentler feelings the Winter prince might have had. Or so he thought.
Then Meghan Chase—a half human, half fey slip of a girl— smashed through his barricades, binding him to her irrevocably with his oath to be her knight. And when all of Faery nearly fell to the Iron fey, she severed their bond to save his life. Meghan is now the Iron Queen, ruler of a realm where no Winter or Summer fey can survive.
With the (unwelcome) company of his archrival, Summer Court prankster Puck, and the infuriating cait sith Grimalkin, Ash begins a journey he is bound to see through to its end— a quest to find a way to honor his solemn vow to stand by Meghan’s side.
To survive in the Iron realm, Ash must have a soul and a mortal body. But the tests he must face to earn these things are impossible. At least, no one has ever passed to tell the tale.
And then Ash learns something that changes everything. A truth that turns reality upside down, challenges his darkest beliefs and shows him that, sometimes, it takes more than courage to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Like I said, CANNOT WAIT! Just wanted to let my followers know what I am EXCITED (understatement of the year) for. :)
iron fey,
Julia Kagawa,
Winter Prince
Upcoming Reviews!
I have been a busy bee this past month!!! So far, my read count reads 72 books read this year! Awesome! :D I do have a life, please believe me! Haha!
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that inspiration has struck me and I have been writing non stop on hopefully my debut novel. I will keep you post on what I am thinking about doing with it! :)))
Now on to the whole review challenge I have taken up ever since I started this Review Blog back in April. I have been trying to better myself with the whole review thing. To not bash, but to critique. To not kiss ass, but to list reasons why I think you should read this book. Well, I have had plenty of tips and plenty of great ideas thanks to my friends Creative Reviews over on Check em out! :
Anywho, I just wanted to let everyone know that what they should expect pretty soon for upcoming reviews!
In this order, mind you. (I need to keep it organized hehe)
Jenny Pox by J. L. Bryan
Fallen Eden by Nicole Williams
Renouncing the Future by Stephen Kata
On Dark Shores: The Lady by J. A. Clement
Expect these reviews within a couple weeks or so. I say by the beginning of August! So excited! :D
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that inspiration has struck me and I have been writing non stop on hopefully my debut novel. I will keep you post on what I am thinking about doing with it! :)))
Now on to the whole review challenge I have taken up ever since I started this Review Blog back in April. I have been trying to better myself with the whole review thing. To not bash, but to critique. To not kiss ass, but to list reasons why I think you should read this book. Well, I have had plenty of tips and plenty of great ideas thanks to my friends Creative Reviews over on Check em out! :
Anywho, I just wanted to let everyone know that what they should expect pretty soon for upcoming reviews!
In this order, mind you. (I need to keep it organized hehe)
Jenny Pox by J. L. Bryan
Fallen Eden by Nicole Williams
Renouncing the Future by Stephen Kata
On Dark Shores: The Lady by J. A. Clement
Expect these reviews within a couple weeks or so. I say by the beginning of August! So excited! :D
angels. Bryn,
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Afterlife By Isabella Kruger
Afterlife is about two young sisters, Louisa and Fluer going to an all girls when their evil aunt doesn't want the "brats" anymore. This all girls school is hell for them and they stuck for years in the place being slaves. When a strange magician comes to the school the Head Master, who wants nothing more than to woo the sexy magician, starts dressing all the girls in dresses and trying to appear that she is actually running a school instead of a slave camp. Louisa is instantly memorized by the magician and vice versa. Then, it turns out the magician is actually a vampire. When Louisa finds out she doesn't care and they go on secretly meeting each other each night. Then the head master finds out and kicks Louisa and the magician out of the house. Fluer is abandoned by her sister. Fluer begins blaming the magician and decides to set out to try to find her sister. Years later she tries to leave the school she is attacked and beaten to a bloody pulp. This is when a family, who cannot bare children take her in and nurse her back to health. They decide to keep Fluer and have her help them run their candy shop. This is where Daniel comes into play. Fluer feels she has met this man before, but cannot put her finger on where. She also does not understand why her new parents cannot stand him and want him to leave Fluer alone. Fluer decides to get some answers.
Afterlife to me was really strange. Let me tell you about what bothered me first, instead of what I like about it.
· The writing style threw me for a loop and I just simply could not keep up with this fast paced story. For example, one minute Fluer is watching her sister get thrown out of the school and the next she is running away.
· There was no transition. The time frame was very foggy. Are they in the 1800, or present time? I just couldn't get my bearings. This frustrated me so much.
· Also the characters were shallow and seemed like robots. No emotion at all. Well, none that I could feel anyway. I just couldn't understand why Fluer loved Daniel so much? They barely had a relationship? I seen nothing to tip me off to where they actually spent time with one another? I want to see raw emotions. I want to see what it is about him that had her leaving her new adoptive, LOVING, CARING family (which she has never had before) for him? Didn’t make sense to me?
· Nothing about this story made sense to me. It seemed as if Kruger made it all up as she wrote?
· Another thing was when Kruger jumped from character to character on their point of view. I was like “Am I still reading from Fluer’s POV, or is this Daniel’s? Wait, who is this? Why is she so important? Wait, who the hell’s POV am I freaking reading!!!!!????” This was so frustrating and I could barely get through the book.
· Then when it was in Fluer POV she automatically knew who everyone was? She never seen the Witch before, but yet she called her by her first name?
· There were major holes in the plot.
· Also when Kruger was dealing with characters one minute the villain was a werewolf, but then she was a vampire again?
I do not understand this whole book at all? What was the sole purpose of this first book? Nothing too crazy happened. There wasn’t really a middle or end. It just seemed like Kruger made a very long beginning? I am just hoping Kruger’s next book comes out soon so I can actually see if her writing approves or if the story get any better.
The only thing I was even remotely kind of happy about was that the story line was very original. I loved the story line, it has so much potential.
Overall: Confusing and would not really recommend it unless you have nothing better else to do.
Cover: LOVE IT! It is so pretty<3
I will buy the next book, if it ever does come out on Kindle.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Eternal Eden by Nicole Williams
"He sounded like the angel of death coming to teat apart every last living thing on earth, down to the last remaining organism"
Bryn is running away from her past of heartache and torture and by some miraculous string of events - or by closing her eyes and randomly pointing to a place on a map - she ended up in Oregon, and to a college where she could transfer to. The book starts out with unpacking her vehicle and being saved by a curb slaying hunk, named Paul Lowe. After some occurrences she makes an enemy out of the College's slut. Life goes on. Then a professor makes her give a tour to a unknown rich boy. On a Friday night. Yeah, because Bryn is so popular and has several parties she needs to attend. She wishes. After arguing - unsuccessfully - with the professor she final agrees to it. Little does Bryn know this night is going to change her life forever. Literally. The night she looks into William Winter/Hayward's (read and you will understand) eyes a big change will occur within them both.
Eternal Eden was a breath of fresh air. A very big gulp of fresh air. The kind of fresh air you saver after being locked up in the house all day just because you couldn't put this book down for a second, not even to go pee. I loved Bryn as the main character. She was not at all whinny as most girl characters are when they meet their first love. Nor did she let him on thinking she was "googoogaga" over him the very first moment she noticed him. She was smart and witty and very funny when it came down to hiding her feelings from him. William was not going to quit until she was his. William is a character I am VERY fond of. He saves the day, he charming, he is handsome, he is actually funny instead of the whole I-am-serious Edward thing going on. I love when the two love interest are funny and charming instead of serious and kind of cold all the damn time. You are immortal, LIVE A LITTLE! The whole plot of this story made good sense and while some of it was unrealistic, it was great! I mean its fantasy, its going to be a little unrealistic. DUH! Anywho, this is a great story and the second installment of this trilogy is soon to make its debut very soon! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I am too excited for this.
Cover: Pretty cute. It captured my interest instantly.
Overall: READ IT!!!! Its amazing and fun. I loved every minute of it.
Bryn is running away from her past of heartache and torture and by some miraculous string of events - or by closing her eyes and randomly pointing to a place on a map - she ended up in Oregon, and to a college where she could transfer to. The book starts out with unpacking her vehicle and being saved by a curb slaying hunk, named Paul Lowe. After some occurrences she makes an enemy out of the College's slut. Life goes on. Then a professor makes her give a tour to a unknown rich boy. On a Friday night. Yeah, because Bryn is so popular and has several parties she needs to attend. She wishes. After arguing - unsuccessfully - with the professor she final agrees to it. Little does Bryn know this night is going to change her life forever. Literally. The night she looks into William Winter/Hayward's (read and you will understand) eyes a big change will occur within them both.
Eternal Eden was a breath of fresh air. A very big gulp of fresh air. The kind of fresh air you saver after being locked up in the house all day just because you couldn't put this book down for a second, not even to go pee. I loved Bryn as the main character. She was not at all whinny as most girl characters are when they meet their first love. Nor did she let him on thinking she was "googoogaga" over him the very first moment she noticed him. She was smart and witty and very funny when it came down to hiding her feelings from him. William was not going to quit until she was his. William is a character I am VERY fond of. He saves the day, he charming, he is handsome, he is actually funny instead of the whole I-am-serious Edward thing going on. I love when the two love interest are funny and charming instead of serious and kind of cold all the damn time. You are immortal, LIVE A LITTLE! The whole plot of this story made good sense and while some of it was unrealistic, it was great! I mean its fantasy, its going to be a little unrealistic. DUH! Anywho, this is a great story and the second installment of this trilogy is soon to make its debut very soon! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I am too excited for this.
Cover: Pretty cute. It captured my interest instantly.
Overall: READ IT!!!! Its amazing and fun. I loved every minute of it.
Ello, Followers;
I was talking to an author last night about different things, and I was telling her about my blog and my vision for how I want this blog to be. I want to further my reviews and start reviewing EVERY book I have ever read from this point. Its harder than it sounds believe me. I want to be able to start doing ARC reviews to help new or popular author's books out there. I also want to read things that I may not usually read. I would also LOVE to be able to do book giveaways. That would be awesome. One problem, I am too modest to start begging author's for advanced copies of thier books. I feel like I will be invading and not accomplishing what I want to set out and do. I would also LOVE to get more followers.
With this being said, and to the followers I already do have, I need some tips on how to approach this and get the word out I want to be more than just a reader, I want to be that reader where people want to read my reviews and consider what my reviews say.
If I could get ANY form of tips, hints, or just a plain slap in the face on how I can accomplish this task would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you to the followers I already do have. :)
With this being said, and to the followers I already do have, I need some tips on how to approach this and get the word out I want to be more than just a reader, I want to be that reader where people want to read my reviews and consider what my reviews say.
If I could get ANY form of tips, hints, or just a plain slap in the face on how I can accomplish this task would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you to the followers I already do have. :)
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