What can I say about the Iron Fey series that would want to persuade my friends and complete strangers to read these books? Hmm. I don't know. All that keeps popping up in my head is a name. One name that would melt hearts (or ice them which ever you want to take it) and just want so badly this world to be real. Ash. He is the best male character I have read about in a long time. I completely adore him and his iceness. At first I hated Ash. I thought he was such a jerk and that Meagan was a complete idiot for wanting to be with him. Ash is this brave ice prince of the Unseelie Court.
But back to the damn review and enough about my new "fascination" with Ash.
The Iron Fey series, to me, is original because I only read a few fey novels so far in my long 21 years on this earth. I thought the plot is all three were well thought out and planned and I had one hell of a ride with the three main characters. Bravo to Miss Kagawa for creating such a beautiful series. In the Iron Queen we catch up Ash, and Meagan going back to her house, only to find that the False King is still after her. Not wanting to put her family in any danger because of some stupid Iron fey she heads off to the Exile Queen's house, only to find out both Summer and Winter Courts need her help to kill the False King. You thought the first two books were an adventure, wait until you read this one. This adventure will blow your bain completely up. For example, Ash teaches Meagan how to fight! THANK THE GODS! I would hate being on the sidelines while watching poor exhausted Ash fight for me ever since I set foot in the Nevernever. The ending of this series was so-so. I mean I would give the fifth star a little cut in half if I could just because of this. Then, I found out The Iron Knight was coming out and I felt better. Even though I still have not got my hands on the fourth, I plan on doing so soon, so I can find out what happens!!! And also finding out that the Novella after the third one seems pretty interesting so far and is free on Kindle! (GASPS!) I loved this series, hands down. It was a really good one to read.
Do you have a friend that pulls a lot of pranks and takes EVERYTHING as a joke or uses a smart ass remark for? Puck (Robin Goodfellow) is the guy you need. I loved Puck from the VERY beginning. He will always be my favorite. (Sorry, Ash) He is just fun to be around, and also quite the jealous type. I loved how Kagawa made this love triangle. I mean Puck tries to make her see that he loves her, but he also wants to be that friend that is there for you. How many of your friends would risk thier lives for you? Thought so.
Meagan is a good main character. She has all the qualities I adore in a heroine. Smart, funny, kick ass, stubborn, and a bit of a smart ass at times. At first I thought she was whinny, but then she stepped her game up, ecspecially in the the third installment.
Ash. (Swoon) dreamy, sexy,hunky Ash. I would honestly just hump his leg. That is how much I like him as a character. (Bare with me today. I am being quarky.) Ash is strong, independant, sexy, cold, smart. Believe me, the list could go on for days. Ash just captured my heart in this third book. I was Team Puck for a bit because I thought Ash was just a big meany head, but at the end of the second and through out the third book, Ash really captured my heart.
Overall this books are amazing. Hell, the series is epic. If they make movies (AND STICK TO THE DAMN STORY LINE!) they will be a huge hit. I would see it (if they have good actors) maybe fifty times in one night. Instead of bar hopping I would be theater hopping. Its this big new thing now. (Lame, but awesome with the right kind of people) Anywho, I am done going on about how much I like these books. You probably gave up a long ass time ago. Hahaa.
Names Cassandra, nice to be aquainted;

- Cassandra Richards
- I am 20 years old. I am currently going to University of Cincinnati to major in English. I have been an avid reader since I began reading at a very young age. I have decided to take up reviewing as a hobby and to never sell out! My biggest dream as of right now would be to become a very well-known published author. Keeping my fingers crossed. Do not be afraid to email me @ CassandraRichards25@gmail.com if you have any questions or if you would like for me to review your book! :D
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