Sasha is desperate to find out who murdered her father. When getting the answer means pledging her soul to Eryx, she unlocks a secret that puts her in grave danger--she is an Anabo, a daughter of Eve, and Eryx's biggest threat.
A son of Hell, immortal, and bound to Earth forever, Jax looks for redemption in the Mephisto Covenant--God's promise he will find peace in the love of an Anabo. After a thousand years, he's finally found the girl he's been searching for: Sasha.
With the threat of Eryx always looming, Jax knows he has to keep Sasha safe and win her over. But can he? Will Sasha love him and give up her mortal life?
"You're that attractive to me. I can smell you from across the room, like hot cider with cinnamon and clove. I can hear you breathe. I can see every hair on your head, every breath you take, every time you clench your jaw. My mind imagines you kissing me, and it doesn't stop there. I want to be with you all the time."
I have been contemplating on how I wanted to review this book. The concept of the story is mind blowing and original. I liked it, but did I love it? I still don't know. It is so frustrating because I want to love this book. I want to look back at reading this book and think, Damn! That was an amazing read. It was a great read, just not amazing. And that sucks for me.
Trinity Faegen's writing seemed very flawed to me in this book. She rushed through the whole entire story, the characters were very annoying and seemed to not have any swagger what so ever, and as the plot seemed to be made up as the story went, as if she had no research and was just throwing things together to make it epic.
The story is very rushed and dumps A LOT of information on you. I never had time to really understand or absorb the information without being bombared with other new information! I just wished I really understood what the urgency was or why things that were happening were bearing certain consequences. The urgency to hurry and the time line for the plot did not match up. I don't know if it was because I was still trying to process the information given, or because the writing was very flawed. The plot as well seemed to be made up as the story went, which could have been because of the writing and ultimatly made it seemed rushed.
Some the characters actions in the story were very unbelievable and through out I kept thinking, "No one in thier right mind would actually say that to someone without being punished in some sort of way. Also, things happened or would be said that were completely out context and then everyone acted like it never happened or it was okay for that character to say or do that. Unrealistic. For example (mild spoiler) Jax takes Sasha shopping for clothes and she goes in the fitting room to try them on. She, like every female, took forever. Instead of Jax just knocking the door or calling out to see if she is okay, he flashes in the fitting room with her and she is naked! Her boobs are just right there and he stares then hurries out of there. Sasha only acts as if it was no big deal and doesn't really do anything. I, so not being a prude (believe me), would have been so mortified! It was nuts! The character, Ajax, was probably my favorite, even though he seemed like an asshole that has no confidence in himself, or others. He expected Sasha to love him even though at times he was an ass, and then get all depressed when she knocked him down a peg. Sasha was my least favorite, though at times I definitely rooted for her. She just seemed so confused and put herself in stupid situations where Jax had to come either rescueing her, or fixing the stupid things she did. Do NOT even get me started on the ending. It ended. That's it, no closure of what the hell just happened. RUSHED! The big climax, something crazy, confusing happens and then, END! WHAT! :(
It was the concept of the story I liked, and some of the character's actions that made this story better. It was also very original. If Trinity had got her act together and fixed her writing flaws this would have been an amazing story! I would only recommend this if you wanted something to read to pass the time.
Names Cassandra, nice to be aquainted;

- Cassandra Richards
- I am 20 years old. I am currently going to University of Cincinnati to major in English. I have been an avid reader since I began reading at a very young age. I have decided to take up reviewing as a hobby and to never sell out! My biggest dream as of right now would be to become a very well-known published author. Keeping my fingers crossed. Do not be afraid to email me @ if you have any questions or if you would like for me to review your book! :D
Friday, June 29, 2012
Cover Reveal: Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi
"A world torn apart. A love under siege."
Can I just say this...I have been dying to read this series and I just haven't had the time with all the other books I am going to be reviewing for and working on top of that! I am hoping, as soon as possible, I will be able to get my hands on both of these and be able to review them!
Through the Ever Night (Under the Never Sky #2) by Veronica Rossi is expected to be out on January 8th 2013 by HarperCollins! NOOOOOOOOOO! It just seems so so far away...
I like how they went with the same theme as they did with the first cover:
"A Million ways to die. One way to live."
Then I went poking around Goodreads and I found the UK edition of Under the Never Sky:
"Worlds kept them apart. Destiny brought them together."
I kind of like the UK edition better for some reason. It give off the whole 80's fibe. Plus, a little side note, isn't the guy MC, Perry supposed to have short blonde hair (as seen on the UK edition cover) but clearly the guy on the Through the Ever Night cover he has dark hair? Hmm... Or maybe I am mistaken since I haven't even read this series yet...YET! I will get to it as soon as I have time, or not. Maybe sooner than that! :)
Monday, June 18, 2012
The Iron Fey Series by Julia Kagawa
What can I say about the Iron Fey series that would want to persuade my friends and complete strangers to read these books? Hmm. I don't know. All that keeps popping up in my head is a name. One name that would melt hearts (or ice them which ever you want to take it) and just want so badly this world to be real. Ash. He is the best male character I have read about in a long time. I completely adore him and his iceness. At first I hated Ash. I thought he was such a jerk and that Meagan was a complete idiot for wanting to be with him. Ash is this brave ice prince of the Unseelie Court.
But back to the damn review and enough about my new "fascination" with Ash.
The Iron Fey series, to me, is original because I only read a few fey novels so far in my long 21 years on this earth. I thought the plot is all three were well thought out and planned and I had one hell of a ride with the three main characters. Bravo to Miss Kagawa for creating such a beautiful series. In the Iron Queen we catch up Ash, and Meagan going back to her house, only to find that the False King is still after her. Not wanting to put her family in any danger because of some stupid Iron fey she heads off to the Exile Queen's house, only to find out both Summer and Winter Courts need her help to kill the False King. You thought the first two books were an adventure, wait until you read this one. This adventure will blow your bain completely up. For example, Ash teaches Meagan how to fight! THANK THE GODS! I would hate being on the sidelines while watching poor exhausted Ash fight for me ever since I set foot in the Nevernever. The ending of this series was so-so. I mean I would give the fifth star a little cut in half if I could just because of this. Then, I found out The Iron Knight was coming out and I felt better. Even though I still have not got my hands on the fourth, I plan on doing so soon, so I can find out what happens!!! And also finding out that the Novella after the third one seems pretty interesting so far and is free on Kindle! (GASPS!) I loved this series, hands down. It was a really good one to read.
Do you have a friend that pulls a lot of pranks and takes EVERYTHING as a joke or uses a smart ass remark for? Puck (Robin Goodfellow) is the guy you need. I loved Puck from the VERY beginning. He will always be my favorite. (Sorry, Ash) He is just fun to be around, and also quite the jealous type. I loved how Kagawa made this love triangle. I mean Puck tries to make her see that he loves her, but he also wants to be that friend that is there for you. How many of your friends would risk thier lives for you? Thought so.
Meagan is a good main character. She has all the qualities I adore in a heroine. Smart, funny, kick ass, stubborn, and a bit of a smart ass at times. At first I thought she was whinny, but then she stepped her game up, ecspecially in the the third installment.
Ash. (Swoon) dreamy, sexy,hunky Ash. I would honestly just hump his leg. That is how much I like him as a character. (Bare with me today. I am being quarky.) Ash is strong, independant, sexy, cold, smart. Believe me, the list could go on for days. Ash just captured my heart in this third book. I was Team Puck for a bit because I thought Ash was just a big meany head, but at the end of the second and through out the third book, Ash really captured my heart.
Overall this books are amazing. Hell, the series is epic. If they make movies (AND STICK TO THE DAMN STORY LINE!) they will be a huge hit. I would see it (if they have good actors) maybe fifty times in one night. Instead of bar hopping I would be theater hopping. Its this big new thing now. (Lame, but awesome with the right kind of people) Anywho, I am done going on about how much I like these books. You probably gave up a long ass time ago. Hahaa.
But back to the damn review and enough about my new "fascination" with Ash.
The Iron Fey series, to me, is original because I only read a few fey novels so far in my long 21 years on this earth. I thought the plot is all three were well thought out and planned and I had one hell of a ride with the three main characters. Bravo to Miss Kagawa for creating such a beautiful series. In the Iron Queen we catch up Ash, and Meagan going back to her house, only to find that the False King is still after her. Not wanting to put her family in any danger because of some stupid Iron fey she heads off to the Exile Queen's house, only to find out both Summer and Winter Courts need her help to kill the False King. You thought the first two books were an adventure, wait until you read this one. This adventure will blow your bain completely up. For example, Ash teaches Meagan how to fight! THANK THE GODS! I would hate being on the sidelines while watching poor exhausted Ash fight for me ever since I set foot in the Nevernever. The ending of this series was so-so. I mean I would give the fifth star a little cut in half if I could just because of this. Then, I found out The Iron Knight was coming out and I felt better. Even though I still have not got my hands on the fourth, I plan on doing so soon, so I can find out what happens!!! And also finding out that the Novella after the third one seems pretty interesting so far and is free on Kindle! (GASPS!) I loved this series, hands down. It was a really good one to read.
Do you have a friend that pulls a lot of pranks and takes EVERYTHING as a joke or uses a smart ass remark for? Puck (Robin Goodfellow) is the guy you need. I loved Puck from the VERY beginning. He will always be my favorite. (Sorry, Ash) He is just fun to be around, and also quite the jealous type. I loved how Kagawa made this love triangle. I mean Puck tries to make her see that he loves her, but he also wants to be that friend that is there for you. How many of your friends would risk thier lives for you? Thought so.
Meagan is a good main character. She has all the qualities I adore in a heroine. Smart, funny, kick ass, stubborn, and a bit of a smart ass at times. At first I thought she was whinny, but then she stepped her game up, ecspecially in the the third installment.
Ash. (Swoon) dreamy, sexy,hunky Ash. I would honestly just hump his leg. That is how much I like him as a character. (Bare with me today. I am being quarky.) Ash is strong, independant, sexy, cold, smart. Believe me, the list could go on for days. Ash just captured my heart in this third book. I was Team Puck for a bit because I thought Ash was just a big meany head, but at the end of the second and through out the third book, Ash really captured my heart.
Overall this books are amazing. Hell, the series is epic. If they make movies (AND STICK TO THE DAMN STORY LINE!) they will be a huge hit. I would see it (if they have good actors) maybe fifty times in one night. Instead of bar hopping I would be theater hopping. Its this big new thing now. (Lame, but awesome with the right kind of people) Anywho, I am done going on about how much I like these books. You probably gave up a long ass time ago. Hahaa.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Share The < 3
Last Teaser Tuesday, Kristie Cook, author of the Soul Savers series (which I suggest you read if you haven't yet, because well one name pops into mind; Tristan) revealed "Share the <3" and left us all wondering what in the world did it mean!? She went to say she is going to be starting a new campaign for a very speacial charity that is near and dear to her heart, as well it is to mine. So what does "Share the <3" mean, you might be asking yourself? Let's get serious for one second.
Domestic violence is a very big deal in my life and is not something I can easily talk about without getting either very angry, very emotional, or worse case, both. I have seen it first hand, and it is not pretty to watch someone you love very dearly get nearly killed. It was a turning point in my child hood and I am glad my Mom got out while she still could. I have had friends come to school/work with bruises they give excuses for. I've seen the difference between innocent accident bruises, and harmful caused bruises. The thing is not everyone can get out while they still can, and some have no where to go. They need help in the right direction and The National Domestic Violence Hotline is who they can call for this help.
Kristie is promising to donate $500 dollars once she sells 100,000th book! "For every 1,000 books sold past the 100,000 mark, up until July 30, 2012, I'll donate another $100." up to $2,000! That is amazing! This campaign Kristie is doing is for a very good cause I believe 110% in and I want to make a difference as much as I can. But we need as much help from others as well! This is where you lovelies come in. All you need to do it is Share the <3! Here is how!
- Buy Kristie Cook's books! Get them on Amazon! Promise and Genesis are only 99c! Also, if you buy a book keep your reciepts because Kristie has a few things up her sleeve! ;) See below for more details!
- If you have already bought the books, gift someone with these priceless gems! All retailers offer an awesome ebook gifting program now a days! ISN'T THAT AMAZING! :) Remember to keep the reciept!
- Tell people of this cause to buy the books between now to July 30th! and tell them about the awesome bonus so they can keep thier reciepts!
- SPREAD THE WORD! Tweet, blog, Facebook, or any other ways of communication! Does any one use carrier pigeons, or Myspace anymore? (HA!) Share about this amazing cause Kristie Cook is helping and to buy her books! Share the <3! Use the hashtag #TristanK3 and tweet it up! Any way possible let me people know!
- Email Kristie (see below) a receipt for any of her books with the purchase date between today and July 30, 2012, and you'll be entered to win weekly giveaways of signed books by Kristie and various authors who have also donated, as well as to win a grand prize at the end!!!! So, these little dinky reciepts we take for granted are now very, very useful! :)
- For everyone who makes a donation to The Hotline for $5 or more and email Kristie a receipt and their shipping address, She will send you a 4-pack of Soul Savers bookmarks! And for the first 25 she'll give you Soul Savers can-coozies!!!! That is just freaking cute.. :)
Kristie Cook's email: kristie (at) kristiecook (dot) com
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Nevermore by Kelly Creagh
Cheerleader Isobel Lanley is horrified when she is paired with Varen Nethers for an English project, which is due—so unfair—on the day of the rival game. Cold and aloof, sardonic and sharp-tongued, Varen makes it clear he’d rather not have anything to do with her either. But when Isobel discovers strange writing in his journal, she can’t help but give this enigmatic boy with the piercing eyes another look.
Soon, Isobel finds herself making excuses to be with Varen. Steadily pulled away from her friends and her possessive boyfriend, Isobel ventures deeper and deeper into the dream world Varen has created through the pages of his notebook, a realm where the terrifying stories of Edgar Allan Poe come to life.
As her world begins to unravel around her, Isobel discovers that dreams, like words, hold more power than she ever imagined, and that the most frightening realities are those of the mind. Now she must find a way to reach Varen before he is consumed by the shadows of his own nightmares.
His life depends on it.
Soon, Isobel finds herself making excuses to be with Varen. Steadily pulled away from her friends and her possessive boyfriend, Isobel ventures deeper and deeper into the dream world Varen has created through the pages of his notebook, a realm where the terrifying stories of Edgar Allan Poe come to life.
As her world begins to unravel around her, Isobel discovers that dreams, like words, hold more power than she ever imagined, and that the most frightening realities are those of the mind. Now she must find a way to reach Varen before he is consumed by the shadows of his own nightmares.
His life depends on it.
Nevermore was amazing! You do not find many GREAT books that also deal with Edgar Allan Poe. I think I can die happy now, knowing someone out there has the same fascination of Poe as I do.
Bravo Kelly Creagh! Thank you so much for not being another author who down plays Poe's crazy, insane brilliance! I loved the back story of Poe, not to mention an amazing characters. I loved Isobel, and Varen. Isobel the cheerleader who only cares about (at the time) Nationals and hoping to win. Varen, that one weird, dark, handsome, don't-you-even-dare guy that sits in the back of the room, minding his own business. It was awesome watching Isobel grow from that blonde cheerleader, to let's kick some freakin' tail! Brilliant.
This is an orginal story and a breath of fresh air. It has everything in it! It really captures the time frame. It was a matter of weeks and Creagh made it seem like an enternity with how all of the amazing overwhelming events that transpired! While other authors speed up the process within two sentences, and never really captures the true feelings of the story. It had me wanting more! The ending is a cliff hanger and I am definitely holding my breath for the next installment!
Will she ever find Varen again! Let's hope so!!!!
Overall: Amazing read and every Edgar Allan Poe fan should read this! :)
Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey
The undead can really screw up your senior year ...
Marrying a vampire definitely doesn’t fit into Jessica Packwood’s senior year “get-a-life” plan. But then a bizarre (and incredibly hot) new exchange student named Lucius Vladescu shows up, claiming that Jessica is a Romanian vampire princess by birth—and he’s her long-lost fiancĂ©. Armed with newfound confidence and a copy of Growing Up Undead: A Teen Vampire’s Guide to Dating, Health, and Emotions, Jessica makes a dramatic transition from average American teenager to glam European vampire princess. But when a devious cheerleader sets her sights on Lucius, Jess finds herself fighting to win back her wayward prince, stop a global vampire war—and save Lucius’s soul from eternal destruction.
After reading the synopsis I thought this would be a cute, funny read. For the most part it was, but it also had a very serious side to it that I thought was just outstanding. Not many authors can write in this style. Funny, quirky, and yet have a serious tone when needed. At first Jessica really got on my nerves (I think its just the name, but who knows) because she was rude and hateful towards Lucius! But I think I would feel the same if I was just told I was an undead Princess and I am now going to marry some strange, creepy, yet also attractive guy. I mean that's just god awful to hear when you just became a senior in high school! There were times when I wanted to punch Lucius in the face as well, don't get me wrong. He irritated me more than anything. The thing with me though, is I don't let the stupidity of the characters get in the way of an awesomely written book, with a twisting plot and a total crazy ending! For me dealing with these two idiots was well worth it in the end!
Overall an amazing book and very well written. Beth Fantaskey did a suberb job and I look forward to reading the next book, Jessica Rules the Dark Side!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Blood Like Poison: For the Love of a Vampire by M. Leighton
Like most seventeen year olds, Ridley Heller thought she had her future all planned out. What she wanted most in life was to get out of small town Harker. Her only goal was to keep her mouth shut and her grades high so she could win a cheerleading scholarship to Stanford. But that was before she met Bo.
In Ridley's wildest dreams, she could never have planned for someone like Bo, for a love so intense it left her breathless. No human girl could.
A haunting stranger that watched her from afar, Bo stole Ridley's heart from the moment she laid eyes on him. But he has secrets. Bo's a vampire. Both his past and his present are a danger to Ridley, but the biggest threat is not her blood; it's her heart. He's feeding a thirst for revenge that will cost him his life, and it may already be too late.
The more darkness Ridley uncovers, the more she realizes that her life will never be the same-with or without Bo. Can she sacrifice her future and her heart for someone who has a death wish?
Blood Like Poison is a trilogy series that centers the around Ridley, a oridinary seventeen year old girl. She puts up with a horny boyfriend, bitchy cheerleader "friends", and trying to figure out the new mysterious creepy stalker guy, Bo. When Bo finally decides to open up, Ridley learns some secrets that just may be life-altering! Bo, is in fact a vampire! Yikes! (In a good way!)
M. Leighton really wowed me and made me wish I was Ridley over and over again! I mean come on! Bo is to DIE for. ;) Bo was a well put together character, even though fictional, he was believable! Ridley was as well, even though a little whinney at times, I understood why she was like that. (I would have lay down and died if I went through what she went through! And to see how she found out about Bo being a vampire and all was just like WHAT! RUN! No, wait, stay. NO! RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! Wait, this is hot Bo we are talking about. It was quite comical how I was feeling about Bo in this scene and what was running through me silly little mind.
Overall this was an amazing read and I loved the adventure the amazing M. Leighton took me on! She as an eceptional writer and after reading this whole series in a couple of sittings (I had to catch up on laundry, House, Glee, and FOOD!) I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next! I very much consider you picking up this book and devouring it much like I had! It will not dissapoing you! :)
Like most seventeen year olds, Ridley Heller thought she had her future all planned out. What she wanted most in life was to get out of small town Harker. Her only goal was to keep her mouth shut and her grades high so she could win a cheerleading scholarship to Stanford. But that was before she met Bo.
In Ridley's wildest dreams, she could never have planned for someone like Bo, for a love so intense it left her breathless. No human girl could.
A haunting stranger that watched her from afar, Bo stole Ridley's heart from the moment she laid eyes on him. But he has secrets. Bo's a vampire. Both his past and his present are a danger to Ridley, but the biggest threat is not her blood; it's her heart. He's feeding a thirst for revenge that will cost him his life, and it may already be too late.
The more darkness Ridley uncovers, the more she realizes that her life will never be the same-with or without Bo. Can she sacrifice her future and her heart for someone who has a death wish?
Blood Like Poison is a trilogy series that centers the around Ridley, a oridinary seventeen year old girl. She puts up with a horny boyfriend, bitchy cheerleader "friends", and trying to figure out the new mysterious creepy stalker guy, Bo. When Bo finally decides to open up, Ridley learns some secrets that just may be life-altering! Bo, is in fact a vampire! Yikes! (In a good way!)
M. Leighton really wowed me and made me wish I was Ridley over and over again! I mean come on! Bo is to DIE for. ;) Bo was a well put together character, even though fictional, he was believable! Ridley was as well, even though a little whinney at times, I understood why she was like that. (I would have lay down and died if I went through what she went through! And to see how she found out about Bo being a vampire and all was just like WHAT! RUN! No, wait, stay. NO! RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! Wait, this is hot Bo we are talking about. It was quite comical how I was feeling about Bo in this scene and what was running through me silly little mind.
Overall this was an amazing read and I loved the adventure the amazing M. Leighton took me on! She as an eceptional writer and after reading this whole series in a couple of sittings (I had to catch up on laundry, House, Glee, and FOOD!) I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next! I very much consider you picking up this book and devouring it much like I had! It will not dissapoing you! :)
Long Time, No See!
Hey everyone! It has been a very long time since I have had a chance to get on here! I recently just gained internet connection back, so I am back in the game! A lot has changed with me and I hope I didn't lose too many people in the process! I have not been reading as much as I would have liked because I have just been way too busy with writing, and dealing with a few life situations, but every thing is good on my end and back to normal!
I just moved into a house with my boyfriend, bought a brand new car, and writing my newest creation! Hopefully I can get it done, edited, and then published as soon as possible for my lovely's! I have a bunch of books lined up for this month and am looking forward to reading others. Hopefully I can jump into Giveaways as well! It is going to be a lot of work to get this book blog back going again and hopefully better this time around!
Wish me luck!
I just moved into a house with my boyfriend, bought a brand new car, and writing my newest creation! Hopefully I can get it done, edited, and then published as soon as possible for my lovely's! I have a bunch of books lined up for this month and am looking forward to reading others. Hopefully I can jump into Giveaways as well! It is going to be a lot of work to get this book blog back going again and hopefully better this time around!
Wish me luck!
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