Names Cassandra, nice to be aquainted;

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I am 20 years old. I am currently going to University of Cincinnati to major in English. I have been an avid reader since I began reading at a very young age. I have decided to take up reviewing as a hobby and to never sell out! My biggest dream as of right now would be to become a very well-known published author. Keeping my fingers crossed. Do not be afraid to email me @ if you have any questions or if you would like for me to review your book! :D

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Angel Experiment by James Patterson

Welcome to Maximum Ride's life. Its pretty crappy. Not only is she poor and a orphan, but she is also a mutant that some "school" of scientist made. Oh, and Max is also the leader of like five kids. Max is only 14 and already has to act like Jason Bourne. Running away from the school and trying to find out why all of this has happened.

I don't know how I feel about this book just yet. I feel like its a very young kids book. I mean, it wasn't horrible, but I don't understand why every one thinks this book is just amazing. I mean, it was a good read, don't get me wrong, but I DID NOT find anything that was just like OHMIGAHHH, DIS BUUK IS UHMAHZINNG! Nothing made me gasp, and I didn't want to stay up all night reading it.

I give this book three stars.

Book Cover: Nothing special.

Will I read the next book? Sure. Why not?

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