There was so much that happened in this book to all of the characters its really hard to tell you what it is about the book in general without giving too much away. Long story short, there was no happily ever after with the characters after City of Glass. None. The shit has really hit the fan this time and just got real. The last three books was nothing compared of all the crap Jace, Clary, Simon and the rest of the crew got into. I am just in utter awe.
My opinion:
This book was terrific. Clary really stepped her game up in this fourth installment of the Mortal Instruments. I am really happy that this book focused on almost all the characters. I loved that. You really got to see a different side of Isobel(or however you spell her name. I am really horrible with names.) as well. You seen a softer and more kick butt side of all the main characters. I am really impressed with Clary the most. I am really pissed at Jace. I wasn't really mad at him throughout the book, or even right after I finished it. I did not know how mad I was at him until after I started this review. I don't want to say too much, because I hate writing spoiler reviews. I am just like ARG!!!
Overall: TERRIFIC! Loved every minute and could not put it down for the life of me. :)
Cover: I don't like how they show the faces. I like pretty covers that don't show faces so I can imagine who ever I want.
I must add that I cannot wait for the movie to come out and I hope it does not get as big or as ridiculous as Twilight did. I also hope they don't butcher it. Fingers crossed people. :)
Below is what I written right after I finished the book. I thought it was funny so I am posting it. :)
Oh my.....
I want to seriously sling out some curse words for the cliff hanger. I mean, its not the biggest cliff hanger I have ever read, but still. This left me in awe and in a good foul mood.
The book was terrific. I did not see this coming from Cassandra Clare.(view spoiler) WAM BAM THANK YOU MAM!!!!! (My version of soft core curse words)
WFTSFOMGTIFR! <<<If you really want to know what this stands for message me. It is pretty vulgar, sooo yeah....
My mind is so out of it and boggled by this book, I just might have to recoporate and get my shit together before I make a good review.
Names Cassandra, nice to be aquainted;

- Cassandra Richards
- I am 20 years old. I am currently going to University of Cincinnati to major in English. I have been an avid reader since I began reading at a very young age. I have decided to take up reviewing as a hobby and to never sell out! My biggest dream as of right now would be to become a very well-known published author. Keeping my fingers crossed. Do not be afraid to email me @ if you have any questions or if you would like for me to review your book! :D
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Matched By Ally Condie
Matched. How can the cover be so beautiful and the words inside a major flop?
Matched is a dystopian themed plot. I don't know why they use the word dystopian? I looked it up in the dictionary (I had no idea what dystopian was until like the fifth grade) it means an imaginary bad place where everything is bad as it can be? Uhm, according to Matched its the best place ever Granted that you can never really make your own choice. The main character is Cassia, who is your average happy-go-lucky I-love-my-life-to-no-end everything-is-perfect kind of character. In the beginning of the book, you actually believe this society is amazing. They have this ceremony where the young eighteen year old teenagers (I think they were eighteen, I will explain why later) get matched to the opposite sex. How romantic. It takes a different spin on arranged marriages. I have nothing against arranged marriages, but I would rebel so hard, just because I am all about my space and freedom. (I keep getting off subject.) Any who, Cassia is matched with her childhood friend, Xander (ABSOLUTELY LOVE HIS NAME AND HIM!!! Just saying) Which according to the society, that is rare and also awesome. Cassia feels like everything is how it should be. WRONG! She gets this chip with all of Xander's information on it, because he is her match. Well, upon looking at his picture another picture pops up and its her other childhood friend, Ky. The society's reject. They have another name for him, but its so confusing and just blah. So, she becomes interested and a WHOLE bunch of shit starts happening that seems to make everything go wrong.
Opinion Time!!! Now there may be a few spoilers, so if you don't want to spoil anything, DO NOT READ THIS PART! :)
I actually thought this book was okay. In the beginning it was horribly slow and nothing was happening. I was bored out of my mind. If it wasn't for my friend Saniya I would not have finished. I am really glad I did. It was just not what I expected. I will be honest, I had very HIGH expectations for this book. The cover is really pretty and the story was alright. Not too shabby for being the author's first book. Cassia was an alright character, pretty strong willed. I wish she would have rebelled a whole hell a lot more, but I guess that would have taken the story in a different direction. I love Xander a lot. He was sweet, daring, and just a down to earth kind of guy. Now, Ky had me on the fence. I began to love him then, I would just be like really? It was like he was trying too hard to be a sweetie and smooth. For example Ky asks Cassia if she thinks if anyone believes in angels and she all I dunno, do uuu? and then Ky replies. "I believe in you." GAG ME WITH A SPOON! I would have laughed my ass off if someone said that to me? I don't know. I did like Ky, but I wish he would have kicked some tail more. Just my opinion. I like the good romance, and the love triangle thing, but I also like actions. It just adds to the story.
Now for the plot. This is a society that has every control no matter what. Then how can they not win a freakin' war? They are supposed to be technologies to the max and they can't win a war? And how is everyone not questioning WTH about a war? These are supposed to be well-mannered well-behaved and polite society? I am so confused. This book was not very descriptive with anything. I was so confused during the whole book. Then something happened at the Burroghs? What? What do you mean something happened at the Burroghs? What the hell is the Burroghs? So, you took the red tablet. So, the red pill doesn't affect Ky and Xander. Why wouldn't Xander tell her what happened?
I will the next book, and hopefully it will be a whole lot more actions packed and gives some answers and have something ACTUALLY happen more than once that makes me go HOLY-. I really do hope.
Overall the book was three stars for the intricate thinking on the Authors part and for this being her first book and it was pretty good.
Cover receives an A- because its beautiful, but a let down because of the words.
I will recommend if only you have nothing else to read and need something to help you wait.
Matched is a dystopian themed plot. I don't know why they use the word dystopian? I looked it up in the dictionary (I had no idea what dystopian was until like the fifth grade) it means an imaginary bad place where everything is bad as it can be? Uhm, according to Matched its the best place ever Granted that you can never really make your own choice. The main character is Cassia, who is your average happy-go-lucky I-love-my-life-to-no-end everything-is-perfect kind of character. In the beginning of the book, you actually believe this society is amazing. They have this ceremony where the young eighteen year old teenagers (I think they were eighteen, I will explain why later) get matched to the opposite sex. How romantic. It takes a different spin on arranged marriages. I have nothing against arranged marriages, but I would rebel so hard, just because I am all about my space and freedom. (I keep getting off subject.) Any who, Cassia is matched with her childhood friend, Xander (ABSOLUTELY LOVE HIS NAME AND HIM!!! Just saying) Which according to the society, that is rare and also awesome. Cassia feels like everything is how it should be. WRONG! She gets this chip with all of Xander's information on it, because he is her match. Well, upon looking at his picture another picture pops up and its her other childhood friend, Ky. The society's reject. They have another name for him, but its so confusing and just blah. So, she becomes interested and a WHOLE bunch of shit starts happening that seems to make everything go wrong.
Opinion Time!!! Now there may be a few spoilers, so if you don't want to spoil anything, DO NOT READ THIS PART! :)
I actually thought this book was okay. In the beginning it was horribly slow and nothing was happening. I was bored out of my mind. If it wasn't for my friend Saniya I would not have finished. I am really glad I did. It was just not what I expected. I will be honest, I had very HIGH expectations for this book. The cover is really pretty and the story was alright. Not too shabby for being the author's first book. Cassia was an alright character, pretty strong willed. I wish she would have rebelled a whole hell a lot more, but I guess that would have taken the story in a different direction. I love Xander a lot. He was sweet, daring, and just a down to earth kind of guy. Now, Ky had me on the fence. I began to love him then, I would just be like really? It was like he was trying too hard to be a sweetie and smooth. For example Ky asks Cassia if she thinks if anyone believes in angels and she all I dunno, do uuu? and then Ky replies. "I believe in you." GAG ME WITH A SPOON! I would have laughed my ass off if someone said that to me? I don't know. I did like Ky, but I wish he would have kicked some tail more. Just my opinion. I like the good romance, and the love triangle thing, but I also like actions. It just adds to the story.
Now for the plot. This is a society that has every control no matter what. Then how can they not win a freakin' war? They are supposed to be technologies to the max and they can't win a war? And how is everyone not questioning WTH about a war? These are supposed to be well-mannered well-behaved and polite society? I am so confused. This book was not very descriptive with anything. I was so confused during the whole book. Then something happened at the Burroghs? What? What do you mean something happened at the Burroghs? What the hell is the Burroghs? So, you took the red tablet. So, the red pill doesn't affect Ky and Xander. Why wouldn't Xander tell her what happened?
I will the next book, and hopefully it will be a whole lot more actions packed and gives some answers and have something ACTUALLY happen more than once that makes me go HOLY-. I really do hope.
Overall the book was three stars for the intricate thinking on the Authors part and for this being her first book and it was pretty good.
Cover receives an A- because its beautiful, but a let down because of the words.
I will recommend if only you have nothing else to read and need something to help you wait.
Monday, April 25, 2011
I have fallen and I cannot get up!!!!
I bet you pictured that old lady on the ground from those Life Alert commercials. Well, that is how I am feeling right about now with this blog. haha! I am currently in the middle of changing this damn thing into a book review blog. I really CANNOT wait until I can get it up and post some of my recent reviews up. Just bare with me and I will try to get this blog up and running as soon as possible!!!
If you are an author and would like for your book to be read and have an honest review, do not hesitate to contact me in any way. My e-mail should be around here on this page somewhere. haha! ^.^
This is what I am wanting my blog to be about. <3
This a book blog, where I am going to be putting up my reviews, giveways (with a link) that I hear of, and MY opinion on certain aspects of the writing industry.
Disclaimer: These are my opinions and my friends opinions. If you DO NOT like my opinion don't start crap on my page. I am not afraid to unfollow people. Be polite and remember those manners your Mother taught you.
If you are an author and would like for your book to be read and have an honest review, do not hesitate to contact me in any way. My e-mail should be around here on this page somewhere. haha! ^.^
This is what I am wanting my blog to be about. <3
This a book blog, where I am going to be putting up my reviews, giveways (with a link) that I hear of, and MY opinion on certain aspects of the writing industry.
Disclaimer: These are my opinions and my friends opinions. If you DO NOT like my opinion don't start crap on my page. I am not afraid to unfollow people. Be polite and remember those manners your Mother taught you.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Amazing Author, Awesome Books!!!
This is S. L. Naeole!!! She is an amazing author and she is giving away her awesome book!!! ^.^
Check out her books!!!
This is S. L. Naeole!!! She is an amazing author and she is giving away her awesome book!!! ^.^
Check out her books!!!
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