"If you promise to never leave me, I will love you. And be good to you. I'll treat you like a queen." My queen. I heard somewhere that a king only bows down to his queen. And I'm bowing down to Lexi.
Alexa "Lexi" is a caseworker for kids that are either in the foster system or on the streets. She can relate to "her kids" because she was once like those kids on the street. She also has a stalker. He watches from afar, but for some reason she's drawn to him like a moth to a flame. One night when she is attacked by a man her stalker saves her. Now the beautiful man who is usually watching her from afar is now a very big part of her life.
From the sound of that you'd think this would be an amazing and beautiful love story with the amazing HEA. This is not the case. This is far from a love story. This is a beautiful mess that becomes a very big and even messier "love" story gone very, VERY wrong. But, damn if it's not the best book I have read. I'm just a freaking wreck after reading this masterpiece. This book isn't for the faint of heart and if you're looking for a light, happy book, keep moving because this is everything but. I've finished this book couple days ago and I am sill in a book hangover. I've ugly cried with some books but this takes the cake for the worst ugly cry in my life. The ending was very unexpected and threw me through the ringer. Bella Aurora wrote saying she took a huge risk on this book, but damn, it was the best risk she has ever bestowed on to us as readers.
I highly recommend this type of book to those who love the dark side of romance and not suspecting a happily ever after. Please read this and be developed by this story and keep a very broad and open mind. This book will not disappoint you.